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[教程] [原创]SU-27战役简报翻译(附原文)

发表于 2005-1-18 16:13:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mission 1 Title="Scamble" Description="With the establishment of the United Islamic Federation, the Caucuses have been thrown into chaos as a united Turkish and Georgian force has struck north into Russia. With virtually no warning, Russian forces along the Russian/Georgian border were quickly overrun and UIF forces have moved as far north as Tuapse. Wheeling northeast, the UIF forces appear be poised to capture the key industrial centers of Majkop and Krasnodar. Our forces must blunt this advance and repel the invading forces back into Georgia. Mission Objective: UIF forces are conducting aggressive strike operations on our local airfields, air defense sites, and key support facilities. Patrol your assigned route and engage hostile aircraft. AWACS support will be available.

Mission 2 Title="Intercept High Value Asset" Description="Although our initial strikes on the advancing UIF inflicted significant losses, the force continues to move north; they have now established a forward line 10 km North West of Hadyzhensk. With their supply lines over-extended, it appears that UIF forces are consolidating gains and are regrouping forces that were scattered in our last series of attacks. Mission Objective: A Turkish C-130 outfitted with signals intelligence gathering equipment is believed to be orbiting near the coast. Intercept the intelligence gatherer, but beware if escorts.

Mission 3 Title="Patrol battle front" Description="Our ground forces have established a blocking position 20 km north of Hadyzhensk and it is here that we will make our stand. To let the UIF to advance any further will likely lead to the abandonment of Majkop. In an effort to out-flank our forces, reconnaissance indicates that a sizable UIF force is advancing westward to Gorjachig Kljuch. We must block this westward push and keep UIF forces confined to the Hadyzhensk region until additional friendly units can be brought to bear. Mission Objective: Georgian Su-25s are taking a heavy tool on our armor forces. Until additional air defenses can be deployed, defend our forces from ground attack aircraft. Patrol over our forward lines and look for low-flying intruders.
概况:在友军赶到前,必须阻止敌人向Gorjachig Kljuch的推进。

Mission 4 Title="Escort srike aircraft" Description="A southeast to northwest line of battle has stabilized between our forces and the UIF. Along this front our forces have been able to stifle UIF advances. With UIF forces digging in around Gorjachig Kljuch though, they are creating a strong defensive position that will be difficult to dislodge. In order to prepare for our counter-attack, key support facilities on the UIF side of the front will need to be eliminated. Mission Objective: Escort of flight of Su-24M that have been assigned to destroy a POL storage tank farm in Gorjachig Kljuch. Expect heavy air and air defense opposition.
概况:在横贯东南-西北的战线上,伊斯兰联盟军队在Gorjachig Kljuch的据点严重妨碍我军的进攻。
任务:护航前去攻击Gorjachig Kljuch的敌人坦克厂的Su-24M机群。预计敌人有强大的空中和地面防空兵力。

Mission 5 Title="Escort transports" Description="With the arrival of addition friendly ground forces in the theater, now is the time to repel the invaders. At dawn, our ground forces will advance across the length of the front. Additionally, airborne forces will be dropped to the enemies' rear. If we can block the enemies escape and bloody them quickly, we may force their capitulation before either sides suffers needless casualties. Mission Objective: Perform a combat air patrol over the front according to your assigned route. Your primary mission is to protect the IL-76 transport aircraft that are supporting the airborne assault. Although UIF air power has been drastically reduced, the threat posed by the remaining aircraft is still significant.

Mission 6 Title="Escort anti-ship strike" Description="Our counter attack against the UIF was a tremendous success. After splitting their line and enveloping them from the rear, the vast majority of UIF forces surrendered within hours of the assault. However, several units have retreated west and may be attempting to fortify themselves in Tuapse. We must not allow them to reach Tuapse. By stopping these forces now, we will have brought the war to a swift end. Mission Objective: A Turkish Perry-class frigate has been stationed off the coast of Tuapse in order to provide air defense cover for the retreating UIF forces. Escort a flight of Su-30 strike fighters to sink the Perry.

ResultDescription="A beaten and demoralized UIF force is now in full retreat back into Georgia. Although a formal armistice has not been signed, the combined UIF forces will not be able to mount such an attack for some time.

[ 本帖最后由 3go-251 于 2007-6-2 22:52 编辑 ]
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