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[安装] f15 敌我识别补丁及说明

发表于 2009-5-20 10:32:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


[ 本帖最后由 quanbingyi 于 2009-6-3 14:56 编辑 ]


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发表于 2009-5-20 10:41:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-20 11:12:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-20 11:53:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-20 12:31:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-20 19:16:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-20 21:12:54 | 显示全部楼层
LRM 2.1 Released - To see what's new in 2.1 compared to 2.0, look for (new) in the fetaure list

Presenting Lockon Realism Mod v 2.1, official release
2.1 includes a few new features and some minor bug fixes.
It also tries to change or remove features that were not
liked in the previous version.

What is LRM?

LRM is a lockon serverside multiplayer mod made to encourage more
realistic a2a tactics. LRM does not modify the game itself, but sends
automated lua script commands to the game.

When you join a server running LRM, the LRM script is exported to you.
It is run entirely locally, it does not modify or read any files local on your
computer. Everyone that joins the server has the mod enforced by server,
and server admins can program the script to not allow any local client scripts.

LRM 2 one release variant, but server admins can configure what
parts of LRM 2 are on and what parts are off.

Server Admin Must have respawn disabled, or the scripts WILL crash


•        Server Controllable engine spool-up time
The server can chose what time it takes to spool engines.
Set any number of seconds you like, and needle moves slower
or faster while spooling.
Admin can disable this feature

•        Russian Radar improvements (new)
- Upon entering SNP/"ruTWS" mode, radar should automatically
designate(move cursor, snap) to highest priority threat, it does this now
- Radar antenna elevation adapts to STT target and does not snap
back to horizon after losing lock. Previously I was told it should snap
back to horizon, but after speaking to several people now about this, it
would seem it should stay where target was lost, so now it does!
Admin can disable this feature

•        Takeoffs only possible from runways
Enforces a taxi speed limit of 40 kts while not on runway.
Admin can disable this feature

•        Refueling only in parking areas
Only possible to refuel in parking area.
(you can refuel a small amount of runway if flameout)
Admin can disable this feature

•        ECCM/Anti ECM-blink mod (requires Ru/F-15 radar improvements)
Part of *New ECCM*
Now works for all fighters. If you have a single target locked, and he
goes ECM, radar will try to relock him HOJ. Flanker and mig29 do it much
faster, but F-15 does it at wider angles.
Admin can disable the *new ECCM* feature

•        ECCM/Range estimation (requires Ru/F-15 radar improvements)
Part of *New ECCM*
When you lock a target HOJ, you will get an approximate range
indication in your hud; a jumping range cue (jumping cursor in F-15)
Admin can disable the *new ECCM* feature

•        Dynamic coalition Airfields
This mod makes it so you cannot take off from airfields that the
server has set as *enemy*. Airfields are designated by putting
friendly ATZ-10 fuel trucks nearby OR any ship. These need to
be placed within 4-5 km of airfield to take effect.
Admin can disable this feature

•        Illegal weapons control
Server admin can make a list for each aircraft type of allowed
weapons. If you load in with a weapon that is not on this list
then you cannot start your engines.
Admin can disable this feature

•        Reduced chaff numbers
Was made to prevent the following
Each time you take off your chaff are reduced a lot.
Example F-15 is reduced from 120->32, and Flanker from 74->28.
There are multiple reasons why real chaff do not work as well
as those in lockon, this is the best we can do to improve gameplay.
Admin can disable this feature

•        Counters to the barrell exploit
Prevents this behaviour:
This result is unrealistic in several ways, and is caused by a modelling
choice in the lockon game. We cannot fix it entirely, but the counter
exploit in LRM works well enough, further explained here :
Admin can disable this feature

•        F-15 Radar Improvements
IFF : HUD color changes/blinks if you bug/lock a friendly
Automatic Elevation : if you bug a target, radar elevation no longer requires manual control
Automatic Azmuth angle setting : (same as for elevation, if using 3A)
Admin can disable this feature

•        Counters to the RadarFloor exploit (updated!/new)
Encourages people not to use unrealistic radar floor exploit, shown
here : http://data.reservoirselite.com/LRM_Demo/radarflor.avi
(NO LONGER Sets mode stuck in NAV)

This feature now has 3 different variants. You can include any or all of
these features separately!
o        Radar BVR self jamming < 20m. Radar self jams (contacts apear blinking
below 20m AGL, eos modes and cac modes still work.)
o        Cockpit shake/small turbulence below 20m AGL starting at 300 kias (fighters only)
o        Forreign object damage when flying super low for long periods of
time. Introduces a small chance of engine shut down after flying
below 20 m AGL at high speeds (fighters only). This also comes with a slight "bump" (you can to restart engine)
Admin can disable each feature separately

&#8226;        Cockpit shake when pulling more than 5G (new)
Admin can disable

&#8226;        Dead is dead
If you are firing a real fighter, if you are hit bad, it is very likely your
firing computers and systems required, and even the electrical
connection itself between cockpt and wing/missile is broken. This
causes you to not to be able to fire missiles. If you enable this feature
and get at least 3 major systems failure, you are no longer able to fire missiles.
Admin can disable this feature

&#8226;        Optional Support : Target step mod.
This is a downgraded variant of the real F-15's ability (and all other
F-1x US fighters for that matter) to decrease radar work load for the
pilot. By using cursor/target step ability, the pilot can press a button
that moves the cursor to a DETECTED radar target without having to
move cursor manual for several seconds.
Clients must install the client side part of it to make it work, from here:
http://yoda.reservoirselite.com/LRM%...epOnClient.zip ,

it only works in LRM 2.0 servers with step feature enabled.
It is activated by Control Keypad0 (replaces lock snapviews for eagle)

In RWS: It steps/moves the cursor through all detected targets.
Targets are considered *faded* if not on radar for 7 seconds.
(simulates radar memory)

In TWS: Works like in RWS for the first 7 seconds after target
detection, then it insted has a second function. IF multiple targets
buged, it reassignes the PDT among them

Double tap CTL KP0 initiates LBST (long range boresight).
This right now sets the radar to 40nm narrow scan in direction of nose.

Triple tap CTL KP0 initiates simulated 8B3A scan mode, taken from real F-15.

Admin can disable this feature

&#8226;        Automatic Flaps in
With this feature set as enabled, flaps will automatically retract above 2.5G or 270 KCAS
Admin can disable this feature


Clients/Players do not need to install anything, it's a server side mod!
Server Admins can download from : http://yoda.reservoirselite.com/LRM%...r/onServer.zip
Server admin change settings for what features to use in start of the export.lua file

&#8226;        169th Dedicated
&#8226;        104th server
&#8226;        RvE server
&#8226;        VJG71
&#8226;        51st (testing)
(more servers have expressed interest to run it,
and many more squads already use it locally)

Esta es la ultima version de Rve Yoda para aumentar bastante el realismo en las partidas multiplayer en lock on. Desde hace varias semanas lo he estado probando en servidores del Hypper Lobby donde casi la totalidad de los servidores ya lo tienen instalado.

El servidor puede establecer nuevos valores en:

- Tiempo de puesta en marcha de los motores
- Puede dar permiso para variar los payloads (en caso de que se cargara otros pylones los motores no se encenderian)
- No se podra despegar en taxy
- Solo se podra recargar combustible en el parking area
- Cada aeropuerto es identificado con una unidad ATZ-10 segun su coalicion, si un avion azul aterriza un una base roja (con un ATZ-10) una vez en el suelo no podra despegar ni recargar combustible.
- Se hacen varia modificaciones en los radares de vital importancia en el combate, como que no se dosbloquen los contactos cuando se quiten las ECM o el radar del F15 cuando bloca un contacto en STT que baje o suba la antena automaticamente como en lo rusos.
- Se reduce el numero de CHAFF en los aviones como son en la realidad
- Se modela de nuevo la estabilidad de los misiles AR para que los lagazos no los afecten mucho
- Se incluye el IFF en el HUD para el F15. En modo STT no se puede distinguir entre aliado o enemigo, esto se corrige haciendo que parpade el HUD si tenemos un blanco aliado blocado (ESTO NOS VENDRIA DE PM)
- A parte de estos cambios corrige muchos mas bugs del lock on.

Todos estos cambios son totalmente configurables en el servidor y se pueden desactivar si alguno no nos gusta.
Estaria bastante bien que se intalara en el servidor ya que a parte de los grandes BUGS que corrige le damos un toque mas de realismo.

Mensaje modificado por iceman46 el Ayer, 02:29 AM
发表于 2009-5-20 21:52:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-7-4 09:08:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-7-4 16:15:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-5 10:48:59 | 显示全部楼层
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