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[共享] 经典战例 - F15在前南斯拉夫的空战

发表于 2011-2-9 20:33:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A REAL War Story from Yugoslavia

by Claw


Well, I'm finally back in England after being TDY since the end of January, at least for two weeks anyway. Got sent direct to Cervia AB, Italy, from Operation Northern Watch in Turkey after being at the Incirlik AB for over 7 weeks ("Luv the 'Lik" no 'mo ! ). My house and yard is a total mess! There doesn't seem to be an end in sight in the Kosovo situation, but the war is over for me for a while.

Some of you probably already heard through the grapevine about what happened to "Boomer" and me. Here's the proverbial "Rest of the Story" . . .

Boomer and I were tasked as Bosnia-Herzgovinia DCA on 26 Mar, vul time from 1500Z to 1900Z. We were established on Eagle CAP over Tuzla for about an hour after initial refueling.

At 1602Z, while eastbound approaching the Bosnia/Yugoslavia border, I got a radar contact 37 nm to the east, 6k', beaming south at over 600kts. Of course AWACS had no clue and did not have any inkling of someone flying on the other side of border although he was real good at calling out every single friendly WEST of us!).

I called out the contact and Boomer was locked same. Without an ID and not tactically sound to cross the border at the time, I elected to pump our formation in a right hand turn through south and called "PUSH IT UP, BURNER, TAPES ON!" (we were initially flying .85M, 28K') and rolled out heading west/southwest.

At that time I didn't think anything much would happen. I figured the contact would probably continue south or turn east and remain well on the east side of the border. Nevertheless, I called the flight lead of the south CAP over Sarajevo and gave him a craniums up on the posit of contact, altitude, and the heading.

This entire time AWACS still had no radar contact, even after I called it out on the radio. Man, running away with the contact at our six o'clock with AWACS not having any clue was NOT comfortable!

Boomer and I continued west for a total of 60 sec (about 10 nm) before I directed the formation to turn back hot, again turning through south in an attempt to get some cut-off. Boomer was on the northside of the formation (left side as we rolled out heading east). We both got contact BRAA 070 for 37 nm, 23k', target now heading west (hot towards us).

AWACS finally woke up and starting seeing the same thing.

Now, I'm starting to think - SHIT IS GONNA HAPPEN - (evident with the increase of about two octaves in my voice!). It was fairly obvious this guy's originated from FRY, and there were no OCA missions at the time.

Checked AAI for friendly squawk: nobody home! We still needed to get clearance from AWACS to engage, so I requested (codeword) and got no reply from the controller (pretty sure he had no 'freakin clue what that codeword meant!).

About this time both Boomer and I got good ID on the target in our own cockpit and with threat hot towards us inside 30 nm decided to blow off the AWACS/clearance to engage restriction and go for it! Target was now inside 30 nm and I directed Boomer to target the single group.

I broke lock and went back to search in 40 nm scope and 120 sweep. The target check turned towards north west (about 14L aspect) and descended to high teens. Boomer and I checked about 30 deg left to northeast for cutoff. This check turn slung me aft in the formation so I stroke it up to full AB to get more line abreast.

I called "COMBAT 1, ARM HOT" and saw Boomer's wing tanks come off with bright flames under the wing. Pretty impressive! I was well over the Mach when I punched my tanks off and the jet jumped up abruptly (you can see it in the HUD). Took a quick look back to check and see if mystabs were still intact . . .

I rolled my elevation coverage looking from about 5K' to 21K' and no kidding stay in search for at least one full frame (believe me, I wanted to go back to single target track SO DAMN BAD !!!) AWACS started calling out two contacts, lead trail. Sure enough, I was starting to see the break out on my scope! At about 20nm, Boomer called "FOX 3, 18K' !". I saw the cons/smoke came from his jet and thought: SONOFABITCH!!!! I gotta get me some!!!

I commanded miniraster on the leader and as soon as the radar lock (about 17nm), immediately thumb forward to HDTWS. My first shot came off inside 16 nm from the leader. When I pressed the pickle button, it seemed like an ETERNITY before the missile actually launched, but when it did...WOW!!!! I have never shot an AMRAAM or AIM-7 before at WSEP (and I don't think I have a chance in hell of shooting more missiles at WSEP after this!). The missile came off with such a loud roar/whoosh, I not only heard it clearly in the cockpit above the wind noise, radio comm, ear plug, and helmet, I actually FELT the rocketmotor roar! In the HUD, you can see the flames shooting out from the tail end of the missile, and the smoke and cons following it!

Stepped immediately to the trailer in HDTWS and press and held the pickle button for at least 3 seconds. Again, thinking: COME ON, DAMN IT! LAUNCH!!! The second missile came off just as impressive as the first after the same painful delay. I yelled "Dirk 1, Fox 6, lead trail!" ("Cricket" Renner later critiqued my comm as incorrect 3-1 terminology... EAT ME!!!) Since Boomer was the primary shooter, I assumed he was locked to the leader, so I kept the trailer as the PDT. Didn't want to screw with a good thing, I stayed in HDTWS inside 10nm ("Dozer" Shower, our WIC dude, promptly critiqued me for NOT going STT inside 10nm upon reviewing my VSD tape, thus I still have to pass my IPUG Tac Intx ride!). Both targets started a check turn to the southwest (14L to H to 16R aspect) and continued to descent to low teens. Approaching 10nm, checking RWR to make sure we weren't targeted:

"Dirk 1 naked !"

"Dirk 2 naked !"

"Dirk, let's go pure!"

>From 30K', both of us rolled our jets inverted and pointed nose low directly at the TD box on the HUD, and pulled throttle to idle. I think my heart rate at this time was reaching my aerobic limit for my age (you know, that formula: 220 minus age...)! Against a broken cloud background, I saw a tiny dot in the TD box about 7 to 8 nm out.

"Dirk 1, tally ho nose 7 nm, low !"

Realizing I saw the trailer, I was praying Boomer would soon follow up with a tally call on the leader. Approaching 5 nm, I'm scanning in front of the trailer for the leader but no joy. Shit! The trailer continued his left turn to southwest and I was looking at approx 14R aspect. Inside of 5 nm, thumb aft to AIM-9 and tried twice to uncage but the tone was not there. Just then, between the HUD and the canopy bow (about right 12:30 to 1 o'clock position), I saw the leader explode! The best visual description I can think of is if you held a torch from one of those Hawaiian Luau party, and swing it through the air. The flame with a extended tail trailing the torch is exactly what I saw!

Turning my attention back to the trailer, the trailer exploded into a streaking flame seconds later just as I tried to uncage the missile the third time! Never mind!

"DIRK 1, SPASH TWO MIG-29s, B/E 360/35!!!" Heater, I'm ashamed . . .

I was screaming like a woman! Didn't really bothered to keep an eye on the fireballs, so I didn't see any chutes. Later report confirmed both pilots ejected safely. Not that neither Boomer nor I would've felt bad if they morted. Anyway, I called for Boomer and I to reference 080 heading and short range radar. Thumbed aft to AUTOGUNS and plug in full AB and accelerated to 460 kts at 20K'. My cranium was on a swivel and breathing like I just ran a full sprint!

"Dirk 2, blind!"


I looked north and it took me a few seconds to find Boomer (about 3.5nm left and stacked high). Tried to talk his eyes back to me, but Boomer called out to west in a right turn. I waited a few seconds to sanitize and turned west as well. During the turn, I immediately pulled into double beeper due to airspeed and Gs (looking back, I should've over G'd so the mission would've been more impressive...

:-) Rolling out, I was 3 nm in trail of Boomer, so I had him shackled to the south to pick up line abreast. The fun wasn't over yet. Boomer got an AUTOGUN snap lock less than 10 nm south of us, low altitude with no ID. I told him to press for VID while I followed him 3 nm in trail.

We were diving back down to the low teens and I saw ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on my radar! Boomer all of a sudden pulls up and yells "Dirk 2, unable ID!" That's BAD!!! I just about shit in my pants! I saw nothing and after a few seconds I asked Boomer if he saw ANYTHING at all. Boomer said he didn't see anything, so we just stroke it up and separate to the northwest for a while, then came back for a second look. Nobody home! Boomer thought it may have been a bad radar lock. I sure hope so!

The rest of the sortie was one excitement after another. While on the boom, AWACS controller started calling out every single ground traffic as possible contact crossing the border into Bosnia. For a while it sounded like a mass attack on Tuzla! By now it was night time, and Boomer (in an offset 3~5 nm trail) and I were still running around with our hair on fire! One time AWACS called out contacts very low alt moving towards Tuzla westbound. I didn't see squat on my tube, neither did Boomer. As the position of group started getting closer to Tuzla, I expected to see a burst of explosion from the airfield underneath! Boomer and I were gonna go from "heros to zeros" real soon!

Finally I turned the GMTR setting on my trusty APG-70 to low and immediately saw the targets. Locked them up and show 80 kts ground speed! I wanted to reach through the mic and strangle the shit out the controller!

AWACS later called out Mig CAPs just 15 nm northeast of the border! Boomer and I were ready to "Pop a cap in their ass" across the border as soon as we got contact and ID! Again, nothing on the radar. We even did two iterations of grinder with a two ship of Vipers and no one got a solid radar hit. That night we committed and armed hot THREE MORE TIMES AFTER the Mig kills based on ridiculous AWACS calls!

No kidding, by the time our replacement showed up (4 hours of vul time later), I was totally exhausted and drained! The flight across Adriatic was uneventful, and Boomer and I finally had a moment to think about what happened.

After I landed and pulled into dearm, I saw a freak in flight suit and wearing a reflective belt, jumping up and down. Sure enough, it was "Freak" O'Laughlin welcoming us back! Taxi back to the chocks was like having a bunch of kids following an ice cream truck! Everyone came running out and waited at the parking spot for Boomer and I. Boomer taxied in front of me as I pulled into my spot. Losing all professionalism and radio discipline (yada yada...), I called out on Ops freq:

"Boomer, YOU're the SHIT!!!"

Getting out of the jet and greeting all the bros and maintainers was THE GREATEST MOMENT OF MY CAREER!!! Our Ops Grp commander "Wilbur" Eddy was first to shake my hand, followed by the mob! We were laughing, shouting, hooting, high fiving, and hugging! It was awesome! Couldn't wait to review the tapes, we all piled into the "Turtle" and watched my HUD tapes. Thank God it recorded everything clearly, including the fireball from the trailer. "Homer" Samuel and "Bull" Mitchum almost knocked me over when they came storming into the Turtle! We were all screaming and jumping so hard in the Turtle I though it was going to tip over! Too bad Boomer's VSD tape did not run, and his HUD tape was washed out due to high aperature setting.

Boomer and I were laughing and high fiving entire car ride home! We weren't even suppose to fly that day!

Some afterthoughts:

It no kidding took over a day for this to finally sink in. It felt almost surreal that day/night. "Fish" Bonita, our MX officer, said it best when he saw me hours after I shut down engines: "So, Claw, have you landed yet?" Only one word can describe this event:
FUCKING_UNBELIEVABLY_LUCKY!!! Not the fact we shot them down, but that they were airborne during our watch. Any Eagle driver could've easily done what Boomer and I did, but as "Heater" Griffin said: "You guys won the lottery!" The sequence of events happened in our favor like the planets lining up. The jets, the missiles, the radar (well, at least mine) performed marvelously! Our MX dudes deserve the bulk of the credit. We had no spares that day. The crew chiefs and the Pro Super, Jim Snyder, absolutely BUSTED THEIR ASS working red balls and launched us on time! Boomer, my wingman, what can I say?

Regardless of whose missile hit which Mig, WE shot down two Fulcrums that afternoon. We succeed as a team, and fail as a team (good thing it was the former)! Boomer did an OUTSTANDING job of finding the group, working the ID matrix, and target according to plan. If I didn't have faith in him, I would not have broke lock and break out the lead trail formation. Of course I'm proud of what we did, but there's one thing I'll really stick out my chest for:

To everyone who taught me and influenced me on my tactical flying and gave me long debriefs (though painful at times), especially "Razor" Johnson, "Elwood" Amidon, "Heater" Griffin (even though he's a meat gazer...), "Homer" Samuel, "Dozer" Shower, "Nuts" Destasio,and "Bear" Gibbs, I DID NOT LET YOU GUYS DOWN!!! It doesn't get much better than this guys! Well, maybe two more kills would be pretty cool...

That's all I have to say about that!

Claw, aka Po

A-4s Forever!
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-9 20:34:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 LJQC 于 2011-2-11 23:05 编辑


TDY - Temporary Duty 临时任务
AB - Air Base
DCA - Defensive Counterair 防御性反空(任务)
CAP - Combat Air Patrol 空中巡逻(任务)
6k = 6000Ft
AWACS - Airborne Warning And Control System
nm - nautical mile
.85M = 0.85 Mach
BURNER = after burner = AB
BRAA - bearing, range, altitude, aspect
OCA - Offensive Counterair 进攻性空优(任务)
AAI - air-to-air identification 空对空识别
FRY - Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
120 sweep = 120' Azimuth Radar Sweep
HUD - Head Up Display
scope = Radar Scope
Arm Hot = 打开武器保险
Lead Trail = 跟进僚机队形
Keep the trailer = 跟踪空中目标
PDT - Preplanned Target
HDTWS - High Data Track While Scan (Radar Mode)
WSEP - Weapon System Evaluation Program 武器系统评估计划
the pickle button = 武器投放按钮
WIC - weapon instructor course 武器指导课程
STT - Single Target Track (Radar Mode)
VSD - Vertical Situation Display
RWR - Radar Warning Receiver
Naked = no RWR contact
Go Pure = 纯追踪
Tally Ho = 目视发现目标
Dirk 2, blind = Dirk 2 lost contact with Dirk 1
VID - Visual Identification
B/E 360/35 = Bullseye 360方位,35海里
GMTR - Ground Moving Target Reject
发表于 2011-2-9 20:41:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-2-9 22:24:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-2-9 22:40:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-2-9 22:45:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 syd96 于 2011-2-9 22:49 编辑






你们当中有些人可能已经听说过,通过你的遭遇的“布玛”小道消息和我。这里的众所周知的“休息”的故事。 。 。

布玛,我奉命为波黑Herzgovinia 3月26日民航处处长,火山时间从1500Z至1900Z。我们







形成(左侧为我们推出了向东)。我们两个都有联系BRAA 070 37纳米,23k',目标现在向西(向我们热)。


现在,我开始思考 - 狗屎是要发生的事 - (明显的增加约两个八度在我声音!)。那是相当明显的这家伙从南联盟起源,并有当时没有亚奥理事会的任务。




我叫“战斗1,ARM公司热”,看到布玛的机翼油箱在机翼下拿出了明亮的火焰。漂亮令人印象深刻!我是远远超过了马赫,当我一拳我的货舱关闭,喷气突然跳了起来(你可以看到它在平视显示器)。很快的回顾检查,看看是否mystabs仍然完好无损。 。 。


我吩咐miniraster到领导者,一旦雷达锁定(约17nm),立即拇指向前到HDTWS。我的第一张照片里掉了16纳米的领导者。当我按下按钮咸菜,似乎像一个导弹发射之前,实际上永恒的,但是当它没有...哇!!我从来没有射出了先进中程空对空导弹之前在WSEP或AIM - 7(我不认为我在拍摄后在WSEP更多的导弹地狱的机会这个!)。该导弹掉了这样一个响亮的轰鸣声/嗖的一声,我不仅听到了它明显高于座舱风噪声,无线电通讯,耳塞,头盔,我真的感受到了rocketmotor怒吼!在平视显示器,可以


同样,心想:来吧,该死的!发射!第二个导弹掉下来一样令人印象深刻,第一个延迟后同样痛苦。我大喊:“德克一,福克斯6,铅径!” (“促织”伦纳后来我批阅3-1通讯是不正确的术语...吃我!!)自布玛是主要射手,我认为他是锁定的领袖,所以我一直为秒预告片。不想螺杆一件好事,我住在在10nm的HDTWS(“推土机”洗澡,我们的WIC的伙计,及时批阅不去的10nm的短期租约内对我回顾我VSD的磁带,所以我还是要通过我的IPUG西塔缓存器INTX骑!)。两个目标开始转向检查到西南(14引脚到H到16R方面),并继续下降到低十几岁。 10nm的临近,检查告警,以确保我们没有针对性:







接近5纳米,我在扫描的领导者,但没有喜悦拖车的前面。妈的!拖车继续他到西南左转,我是在约14R方面寻找。内部为5 nm,拇指船尾的AIM - 9,并试图两次uncage但语气不存在。就在这时,与平视显示器和树冠弓(约12:30至1点右的位置),我看到了领导者爆炸!最佳的视觉描述我能想到如果你持有的是从这些夏威夷卢奥一方一火炬,在空中摆动它。火焰一个扩展尾随火炬尾巴正是我所看到的!



“德克1,SPASH两架米格-29,乙/ E的三十五分之三百六十零!”加热器,我很惭愧。 。 。





这项活动还没有结束。布玛得到了一个AUTOGUN单元锁小于10 nm以南我们,没有低空标识。我告诉他施加压力,而我跟着他的VID 3径纳米。



在其余的出击相继兴奋。虽然在吊杆,空中预警机控制器就开始叫每隔尽可能单一联系地面交通跨越边界进入波斯尼亚。有一段时间响起就像一个图兹拉大规模攻击!现在是晚上时间,布玛(在偏移量3〜5 nm的跟踪)和我我们还跑来跑去的头发着火了!有一次叫了预警机接触非常低ALT键走向图兹拉西行。我没有看到我蹲管,也没有布玛。作为集团的地位开始变得接近图兹拉,我期望看到从下方机场爆炸的爆!布玛和我要走了从“零到英雄”尽快!

最后,我打开我信赖的APG - 70 GMTR设置为低,并立即看到了目标。它们锁定并显示80凯标地面的速度!我想达到通过麦克风和扼杀了控制器狗屎!





走出了射流,迎接所有的兄弟和维护者,是我职业生涯中最伟大的时刻!我们的老年退休金计划群岛司令“威尔伯”艾迪是第一个和我握手,接着由暴民!我们在笑,喊,叫,高fiving,和拥抱!这是真棒!不能等待审查录音带,大家都挤进了“龟”,看着我的平视显示器的磁带。感谢上帝,这一切清楚地记录,包括从火球拖车。 “荷马史诗”塞缪尔和“斗牛”米彻姆几乎把我撞倒了,当他们到了龟强攻!




它没有开玩笑接管了这一天终于下沉英寸超现实的感觉差不多那天/晚。 “鱼”博尼塔,我们的MX官员说,那是最好,他看到我小时后,我关闭引擎:“所以,爪,你降落,但“只有一个词可以形容这个事件吗?:FUCKING_UNBELIEVABLY_LUCKY!事实并非如此,我们拍摄下来,而是他们是在我们看空中。





发表于 2011-2-9 23:13:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-2-9 23:53:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-2-10 08:52:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-2-10 08:58:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-2-10 09:11:31 | 显示全部楼层
那是东 那是西 那是南  那是北啊
发表于 2011-2-10 11:57:18 | 显示全部楼层
回复 10# lg35770

发表于 2011-2-10 16:56:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-2-10 17:06:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-2-10 20:07:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 biller 于 2011-2-10 20:10 编辑

     好吧,我终于在一月末的临时任务后回到了英国,无论如何至少过了两个星期.在Incirlik 空军基地蹲了七个星期以后,我被从在土耳其北方的监视行动直接派到了意大利Cervia 空军基地.我的房子和院子已经一团糟了.科索沃的局势看来没有个尽头,但战争的(压力、阴影什么的)已经压在我身上一段时间了。
      我呼叫Boomer得知他的雷达上也是上面的情况。在没有识别数据(此处应指AWACS的识别--本人推断)并且目标在战术上不是要穿越边境的情况下,我发令变为右手指尖编队,并且喊到“开加力加速!打开记录!(Tapes on真不知道是什么东西---本人注)”(一开始我们以0.85马赫、在28000英尺飞行)。我们开始向大约248度航向(西/西南,取中位数--本人注)飞。
       我继续用TWS模式跟踪目标,按住发射扭大约3秒种(ED在LOFC2中的设置真实啊。。--本人注)。我又想:快点,TMD,发射。在同样痛苦的延迟之后第二枚导弹以与前面一样的场面飞了出去。我狂喊到:"Dirk1,FOX6,跟踪对方长机!"(“蛐蛐”Renner后来批评了我不正确的通讯术语(估计是FOX6。。多么业余的失误--本人注)..吃了我吧。。)因为Boomer是主攻,我认为他锁定的是对方长机了,所以我在武器投射前测试时跟踪对方的僚机。由于我不想搞砸这一顿大餐,我在10海里内继续使用TWS模式跟踪目标(。。。原来美军打空战和我们差不多啊的---本人注)(“推土机”Shower在观看我的VSD记录时立刻批评我没有在10海里以内使用STT模式跟踪目标,因此我得交出IPUG缓存记录。。)两个目标都转向西南做规避转向(一个左14度方位角,一个右16度方位角?--本人注,不确定14L to H to 16R aspect是何意思),继续下降高度。接近10海里时,我们看了看RWR以确定我们没有被锁定
    我向北看,花了几秒钟找到了Boomer(大约在3.5海里左右的距离,左边,位置比我高)。我试着让他注意到我,但这个家伙报告右转到西面。我等待了几秒中,然后也向西转了 。我参考了空速和地速,按了两下蜂鸣器(回想起来,我本应该拉到超过满过载这样这次任务就更诗情画意了。
      最后我把我忠实的APG-70雷达调到 GMTR 模式,扫描低空,然后立刻发现了目标!我想在麦里臭骂行动指挥一顿。


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