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发表于 2005-1-13 23:58:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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<TD vAlign=center align=middle height=49><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2findex.htm" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/Imagenes/escudo.gif" border=0></A> </TD>
<H1 align=center>LOMAC 1.1: An aerial patrol battle in MiG</H1></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P align=justify>Basing to us on one of the last versions of development of LOMAC 1,1, we are going to present/display an approach detailed to the improvements that are introduced in avionics of the Russian huntings, specially as far as concerns the new ways of radar. For it, nothing better than to accomplish a mission CAP of a MiG-29S on board in which we will face a variety of situations that they will demand to us to use thorough avionics of the hunting of form different from since one becomes in previous versions of LOMAC.
<P align=justify>Of course, everything what follows next is based on a preliminary version of the simulator and can be subject to changes until the moment at which it leaves the definitive version. Evidently, we hoped that these changes, to take place, serve to increase still more if it is possible the fidelity of the systems and the sensation to be really to the controls of a Russian hunting.

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<TD><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage1.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image1s.jpg"></A>
<P >F/A-18 demolished by a R-73</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=1>You do not forget that pressing in the images they will be seen greater size.</P></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>
<H2><FONT size=1></FONT>The mission</H2>
<P align=justify>The today mission consists of making an aerial patrol battle to the north of our base to guarantee the security of the airspace. Our MiG-29S is armed with two thermal missiles R-73 for close combat and four R-77 radar guidance that provides a clear advantage to us in combat BVR when not demanding that we maintain to the objective blocado until the impact. If to this we added that also we counted on the attendance of a AWACS, we are more than prepared to leave hunting on the ice cream winter landscape of Crimea.
<P align=justify>Once in cabin, first that we observed it is that, unlike which happens to new Su-25T, in the huntings is not necessary to ignite the electrical system, reason why ours first action will consist of starting the engines and igniting the taxiway lightses for a correct illumination of the tread.
<P ><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage2.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image2s.jpg"></A></P>
</b><b>Contacts to twelve</b></H2>
<P align=justify>Once in the air, we maintain northeast course with destiny to the assigned space of patrol while we ascend for 4,000 meters of altitude. However, before arriving at the starting point of patrol we received an alert of the AWACS: bandits come near and come direct towards us. Without losing a moment, we start up the module of electronic countermeasures, checked the alertador of threats and we ignite the radar in way attacks BVR.</P>
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<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage3.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image3s.jpg"></A>
<P >The HUD is in way fights BVR, with the active radar and the On guard neutral antenna in elevation and azimuth. The radar beam does not give back any contact in its present configuration.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage31.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image31s.jpg"></A>
<P >The MFD shows to contacts thanks to the connection with the AWACS. The RWR indicates bandits to twelve and, to its right, the superior green light indicates that we have activated the electronic countermeasures.</P></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>Consulting the data that the AWACS to the MFD transmits the situation it is clear: there are bandits who come near directly from the twelve and other that, on the contrary, are moving away. Evidently, our priority is to occupy of that they approach, mainly because the RWR to us indicates to us of visual and sonorous form that is the primary threat: they are illuminating to us with the radar and, so soon they surpass our interference electronic counter measures, is of supposition that their missiles will shoot to us.</P>
<P>Since it is not possible to blocar enemy by means of connection AWACS, but that we must illuminate them with our own radar, the priority now is to illuminate them with the beam of the radar the sooner to obtain firing permission. And this leads to us directly to the greater newness of LOMAC 1,1 with regard to the huntings: the new ways of the radar. Therefore, we opened an educative parenthesis before retaking the tense situation in which we were.</P>
<H2>Ways of the radar in combat BVR</H2>
<P>Unlike which it happens in previous versions of the simulator, now we have five configurations different from the radar based on two basic parameters: way and frequency of signal. The ways are OБЗ/RWS and СНП/TWS and frequencies ППС/ALTA, ЗПС/MEDIA and АВТ/MIXTA.</P>
<LI>The way СНП he is similar to the TWS or <EM>"Track While </EM>western <EM>Scan </EM><EM>"</EM>. It allows to obtain data of firing against the targets that appear with no need in the HUD of blocar them and without letting inform about the rest of contacts. In addition, the own system bloca automatically the target that considers of greater priority based on parameters like the relative speed, the angle of aspect and the distance. Of course, can automatically proposed be shift fire to another target by which we consider more high-priority.

Without a doubt, this customary way much more is advanced and versatile that the habitual one to that it has Flanker/LOMAC to us, reason why will be the one that we use most frequently to maintain all the contacts at sight while we decided which to attack in the first place. </LI></UL>
<LI>The OБЗ way; he is similar to the RWS or "Range While western Search". It is the way that is been available in the previous versions of LOMAC and to which we are accustomed: it does not provide sufficient information for the firing unless block the target, in which case disappears the rest of contacts of the HUD and, consequently, our capacity diminishes drastically to maintain us to as much of the situation as a whole. </LI></UL>
<P>The frequency of the radar pulse is a crucial factor in LOMAC 1,1, since according to which we select we will be at readiness to detect white that they approach or which they move away of our airplane. The high frequency allows to detect enemies who come near, the MF does the own thing with which they move away and the MIXED one is an intermediate solution but with smaller reach of detection.</P>
<P>Altogether, the table of ways of the radar can be summarized of the following way:</P>
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 width="75%" align=center border=1>

<TD> </TD>
<DIV align=center><b></b><b>ППС/ALTA</b></DIV></TD>
<DIV align=center><b>ЗПС/MEDIA</b></DIV></TD>
<DIV align=center><b>АВТ/MIXTA</b></DIV></TD></TR>
<DIV align=center><b>СНП/TWS</b></DIV></TD>
<DIV align=center>Targets that approach</DIV></TD>
<DIV align=center>Targets that move away</DIV></TD>
<DIV align=center>Nonavailable</DIV></TD></TR>
<DIV align=center><b>OБЗ/RWS</b></DIV></TD>
<DIV align=center>Targets that approach</DIV></TD>
<DIV align=center>Targets that move away</DIV></TD>
<DIV align=center>Both types, but smaller reach</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>Once we know this, we see what information we obtain in the situation of flight in which we were, with bandits coming near to twelve and to greater altitude than our airplane. Let us begin with way TWS: </P>
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<TD vAlign=top><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image4.jpg">
<P >The HUD is in way BVR (1) and the radar is in way СНП (2) frequently high (3). There are no contacts, reason why we will have to elevate the radar beam that right now is in neutral (3). The azimuth of the radar is centered (5) and the distance search is 10 km. (6)</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image41.jpg">
<P >When raising a point (1,000 meters) the elevation of the cone and to be in high frencuencia, already we detected the targets that come near ours superficially.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image42.jpg">
<P >Placing the cursor on the target, we with no need obtain data of rank for the firing of blocar it (way ATK/STT).</P></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>If now we changed to the OБЗ way;, maintaining the cone of the high radar a point so that the beam illuminates the targets, we obtain the following data:</P>
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<TD vAlign=top><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image5.jpg">
<P >The HUD follows in way BVR, the radar is in OБЗ way; frequently high. They continue detecting the bandits, just as in way СНП.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image51.jpg">
<P >When changing the frequency of the radar to average, the bandits disappear, since this way is only used for targets that move away.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image52.jpg">
<P >In mixed frequency they return to appear the targets. If we were remoter it is possible that they did not do it.</P></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>At the time of fitting the elevation of the antenna, it is necessary to consider a parameter more than in LOMAC 1.02: the distance search of the radar. For example, during this mission, the enemies detect themselves to about 30 or 40 km according to the plans provided in the MFD by the AWACS. If quisieramos to know the distance exact he would be enough with asking the AWACS and he would give not only to the distance but the course us towards the enemy and a brief indication of his height (pity that not the one of exact). Then, to know the distance is helpful for fitting the elevation of the antenna, since if we know that the enemy is to 35 km and supposing that we know its height, for example 8000m, then if we are to 4000m, he will be enough with fitting as he reaches 35 km in the inferior part of the HUD (point 6 of the image of the first HUD), changing the number from 10 to 35, we fit a diferancia of height of 4 (deltaH = 4) in the antenna elevation and it appears to us the objective in the HUD, is not necessary to walk looking for it, the AWACS has provided us the sufficient data. If we left 10 in the HUD and we put 4 in the elevation, we would be fitting an excessive angle of antenna.</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-14 00:00:12 | 显示全部楼层


<H2>First combat, enemy who approaches</H2>
<P>We are to less than thirty kilometers of hostile contacts, we have them illuminated with the radar in way СНП and not yet they have been able to blocar thanks to us to the interferences electronic counter measures that we are generating. Without a doubt, it is the moment for taking the offensive: we put the cursor on the contact of the HUD, the blocamos to put the radar in way STT (Single Target Tracking) and, to once it authorizes the system, we sent a R-77 missile us.</P>
<P>Another form to do this would have been not to move the cursor of the radar, but to wait for seconds to that the own system block the target that considers more dangerous. The result in both cases is the same one: blocado enemy, radar in way STT and ready to fire missile.</P>
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<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage6.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image6s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >Blocamos the radar contact and we sent a R-77. In spite of being a missile homing guidance we do not break the blocking to have updated information of the movements of the bandit and, in its case, of verifying if we have demolished it.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage61.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image61s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >Seconds after the previous firing, we see that the target breaks to the right to evade our missile. When doing it, he appears a second bandit who maintains the course original. The blocamos and we shot a second R-77 to him.</P></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>Unfortunately, during the those two us seconds that have taken to send R-77, the second bandit has been able to surpass interference electronic counter measures and he has shot a missile to us, as he lets know of insistent form our alertador us of threats. It is the moment for initiating evasive maneuvers, trying not to vary too much the course to maintain the image of the contacts in the HUD and knowledge if our R-77 reaches their objectives.</P>
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<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage7.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image7s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >As much the MiG German as we frenetically sent to flares and chaff, simultaneously that we executed abrupt turns to evade the missiles. A continuous quite effective maneuver being the barrel around the axis of the trajectory of the missile.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage71.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image71s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >Because both bandits have broken towards the same side, both R-77 hits in the MiG closest. In our case, the evasive maneuvers are successful and we got rid of the only missile that has sent to us.</P></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>A bandit eliminated and the other, according to indicates the MFD, in perpendicular course to ours due to his maneuvers of evasion. Taking advantage of the advantage position, we sent ourselves towards him with the hope to shoot to him before he has time to turn again towards us but, peculiarly, instead of being aggressive he maintains the course and he accelerates to top. We followed it during seconds, but there is no change in its attitude, without a doubt it is fleeing from the combat and, like enemy a that flees bridge from silver, we retook the original course to locate the contacts that went to the north.</P>
<H2>Second fights, enemy who moves away</H2>
<P>Extending the rank of the MDF we verified, thanks to the connection with the AWACS, that are two groups of bandits: first one moves away with North course and the second it maintains course this, perpendicular one to ours. We are going to try to illuminate to each group with the radar in way СНП in order to have an estimation of the firing rank.</P>
<TABLE cellSpacing=8 width="20%" align=center border=0>

<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage8.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image8s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >In way СНП frequently it mediates detects the bandit who moves away of us, but not the group that flies in perpendicular.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage81.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image81s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >In way СНП frequently high the opposite happens right. We see the second group but we did not catch the bandit who moves away.</P></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>Once illuminated the bandits using the suitable way of radar, the procedure of blocking and launching of missiles is the same one of always, reason why we will be brief indicating, simply, that no of them supposed problem some for our MiG.</P>
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<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage9.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image9s.jpg" border=0></A></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage91.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image91s.jpg" border=0></A></TD></TR></TABLE>

<H2>Third combat, electronic countermeasures</H2>
<P>With so single a R-77 missile on board, the moment has arrived for giving by finalized the mission and to return to house. Therefore, we passed to navigation mode and we went towards the south, course to the base from which we have taken off. Nevertheless, as soon as passed minutes, the AWACS informs us into which we have bandits to ten and, reason why seems, there are no flights friends close to take care of the problem.</P>
<P>Requesting so that it is not a CAP of F-15, not with an only missile under our wings, we return to happen to way BVR and with the radar in way СНП we moved the beam to the left to illuminate the objectives.</P>
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<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage950.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image950s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >The signal that appears in the HUD when there are interferences is a vertical blotch of parpadeantes contacts. The signal can be blocar, but without information of rank and, therefore, without guarantees of which the missile reaches its objective.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage952.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image952s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >According to we came near the bandits arrives a little while in which our radar is able to surpass barrier electronic counter measures. The contacts appear like small points between statics.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage951.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image951s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >Surpassed interference electronic counter measures, already rank information is obtained and we are in habitual situation battle BVR: blocamos, radar in way STT and missile were.</P></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>As much the MFD as the vertical line number of noise electronic counter measures in the HUD confirms that we faced two bandits. The fact that to less than twenty-five kilométros not yet they have blocado to us is reassuring, are not a as lethal threat as the F-15. With these data in mind we made a dangerous decision: to shoot to the first contact to turn immediately course to base with post-combustion to top and without watching back. We will bet to that or the survivors will not follow to us enemy territory and, if they do it, we counted on battery SAM of our base to save to us on time.</P>
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<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage960.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image960s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >Our R-77 reaches its objective and one of both Tornados IDS takes the fast route to the ground.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage961.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image961s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >Unfortunately, his companion reaches to us before we pruned to move away the sufficient thing to us.</P></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>We have problems, our airplane has been reached, the panel of failures seems a Christmas tree, there are lost a motor, which makes us step on ball generously to compensate the yaw and the right aileron to make level the warping and above the Tornado persecutes to us close by finishing off the task. We only have an option: gases to top, low-altitude flight course to the zone of firing of the Buk that protects our base and to hope that the bandit does not want to risk to be demolished by the SAM.</P>
<P>After tense minutes of flight level with ground finally we let oir the warning of the alertador of threats, seems that the Tornado has decided that it is not worth the trouble to enter the zone protected by the SAM. That has remained without the ammunition or short of fuel, there is no form to know it, but the case is that we have via free landing our wounded bird.</P>
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<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage971.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image971s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >In order to diminish the effects of the inoperativo motor, and although it is not a very academic procedure, we decided on a landing with gases to the slow motion. We hoped the last moment to remove the train in order not to lose too much speed.</P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage970.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image970s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >On the verge of taking, the new simbología of the ILS in the HUD can be seen: two circles, the one greater one than another one, than we must make agree to follow the footpath correct. </P></TD>
<TD vAlign=top><a href="http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&amp;trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.alasrojas.com%2flomac%2fpreview11mig%2fimage972.jpg" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://www.alasrojas.com/lomac/preview11mig/image972s.jpg" border=0></A>
<P >In earth we already verified the damages that the left wing has suffered: good bye to the hydraulic system, neither aerobrake nor ailerons. But, as usually it is said, any landing which it leaves walking is a good landing.</P>
<P > </P></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>Once in track, we carted until the parking with the open cabin so that us of a little air after as much tension, we extinguished motors and to celebrate the victories that we have obtained with the aid of the AWACS and a guessed right use of the new system of radar of LOMAC 1.1. We hoped that with this small article we have interested to you in flying the classic Russian huntings, that no longer are it as much thanks to the improvements introduced in avionics. And she is that everything in LOMAC 1,1 is not Su-25T, you we promise it.</P><!-- bff101.search.scd.yahoo.com compressed/chunked Thu Jan 13 07:55:12 PST 2005 -->
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-14 00:16:02 | 显示全部楼层
<P>原文是西班牙文的,机器翻译,凑合看吧 :)</P>
发表于 2005-1-14 08:48:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-1-16 05:38:20 | 显示全部楼层
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