3GO模拟飞行网|3GO Cyber Air Force




查看: 839|回复: 4


发表于 2005-3-25 08:53:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
World::LoadPlugins: Can't load plugin module Aerodyne.dll
World::LoadPlugins: Can't load plugin module Staff.dll
2005-3-24 23:17
LandModelManager: can't find #model 15 LightPolygon
LandModelManager: can't find #model 15 CloudShadow
Pilot Logbook::Can't execute Lua file ./PilotLogBook/Database.lua - cannot read ./PilotLogBook/Database.lua: No such file or directory
ModelManager: can't find LAP-CABLES
ModelManager: can't find GAZ-2410
ModelManager: can't find VAZ-2107
DXDefTexture: failed to load samara-red.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.
DXDefTexture: failed to load samara-blue.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.
DXDefTexture: failed to load samara-cherry.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.
DXDefTexture: failed to load night-city1.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.
Warning:  (texture class Graphics::DXFontTexture) must be loaded to step 1, step 0 reported.
Warning: railroad2.tga (texture class CddsTextureItem) must be loaded to step 6, step 5 reported.
Warning:  (texture class Graphics::DXFontTexture) must be loaded to step 2, step 1 reported.
DXDefTexture: failed to load Noise_Empty.dds, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.
Warning: Noise_Empty.dds (texture class Graphics::DXDefTexture) must be loaded to step 1, step 0 reported.
Square::findTrg(32, -3993.734375,-1346.843750) - cycle
Square::findTrg(32, -3991.640625,-1347.156250) - cycle
Warning:  (texture class Graphics::DXFontTexture) must be loaded to step 2, step 1 reported.
Warning: railroad2.tga (texture class CddsTextureItem) must be loaded to step 6, step 5 reported.
Warning: effects dynamic (geometry class Graphics::DXMultiTextureMeshGE) must be loaded to step 2, step 1 reported.
DXDefTexture: failed to load F15-OKR.bmp, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.
Warning: F15-OKR.bmp (texture class Graphics::DXDefTexture) must be loaded to step 1, step 0 reported.
Missed description for Russia in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for USA in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Ukraine in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Su_MINUS__TWO__SEVEN_ in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for F_MINUS__ONE__FIVE_C in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for ZSU_MINUS__TWO__THREE__MINUS__FOUR___Shilka in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for TakeOff in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Fire in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Ejection in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Crash in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Landing in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Gudauta in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Krasnodar_MINUS_Pashkovskiy in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Random in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Maykop in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Sochi_MINUS_Adler in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for Building in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for R_MINUS__SEVEN__THREE_ in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Missed description for AIM_MINUS__NINE_ in the FUI/EnglishVersion/Common.cfg
Warning:  (texture class Graphics::DXFontTexture) must be loaded to step 2, step 1 reported.
发表于 2005-3-25 09:01:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-3-25 09:02:58 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-25 09:28:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-3-25 15:33:59 | 显示全部楼层


<P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">俺发现问题所在了:</FONT><FONT size=3><b>老毛子居然对获取的物体坐标数据不加校验就送给引擎处理了,就象做数据库应用时对提交的检索信息不加校验一样,导致引擎忠实地处理错误数据,也就出现常见的走折线的UFO和“飘”到太空的现象。每种物体的运行速度是有个合理的范围的,出现这种对输入数据不加校验的问题,项目领导和系统分析应该吃板子</b></FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-25 15:51:36编辑过]

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