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发表于 2004-9-24 15:38:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Blue Eagle1开车前作起飞检查不会反,请补充    我觉得按美国习惯会先讨论天气,little windy sight unlimited (打个比方)征求更好的意见   

<P>Blue Eagle1(飞行表演队代号,参考蓝天使)ready for Taxi.Requesting permission to go.</P>
<P>This is Mustang(塔台)Blue Eagle 1 you are clear for Taxi,runway 18L</P>
<P>BE1(缩写)Taxiing,   two...    three....  four...</P>
<P>BE11 ready for departure   BE12ready for departure   BE13ready for departure   BE14ready for departure </P>
<P>Roger BE1 Green^em up (janes F-15 原话)Good luck!!</P>

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-25 11:41:37编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-24 15:51:15 | 显示全部楼层
<P>part 2</P><P>Warning Warning !!!!! Incoming Carrier Fleet inband, heading 180, 200miles away 10miles closer</P><P>Sea Hawk 1 you are order to engage , going to deck and standing by.091.092 一组,093094一组(不会反,请指教)</P><P>Roger ,Sea Hawk 11 ,taxing to the launch area ; Sea Hawk 12 ,taxing to the launch area ;</P><P>091 ready for departure requesting to go</P><P>Clear ,you are permission to take off </P><P>092 launch</P><P>093 094Taxi to the flght deck</P><P>093 0940 you are peimissiong to take off good luck!!</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-24 16:00:53 | 显示全部楼层
<P>part 3</P>
<P>Big Bird  Big Bird(加油机代号)This is Sea hawk 11, we are passing waypiont 3 requesting vector to tanker</P>
<P>This is Big Bird fly heading 220 3000 100km closing</P>
<P>Roger Sea hawk1 ready for refuel</P>
<P>Roger 091get the number1 093get the number3</P>
<P>092 094 stand by</P>
<P>091 wilko</P>
<P>093 wilko</P>
<P>091 对接完毕,开始加油(不会,请指教)</P>
<P>093 steady on </P>
<P>093 对接完毕,开始加油(不会,请指教)</P>
<P>092094 get in turn</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-24 16:04:37编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-24 16:01:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-9-24 17:32:49 | 显示全部楼层
<P>这里有好东西</P><P><a href="http://www.cfso.org/atcc/talk.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.cfso.org/atcc/talk.htm</A></P><P><a href="http://www.cfso.org/train_dep/ATCYY.CHM" target="_blank" >http://www.cfso.org/train_dep/ATCYY.CHM</A></P>
发表于 2004-9-24 18:14:59 | 显示全部楼层
<P>空军用</P><P>ready to take-off</P><P>departure 离港一般是民航用</P>
发表于 2004-9-24 18:33:15 | 显示全部楼层
<P>Clear ,you are permission to take off直接用Clear to take-off就可以</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-24 23:08:04 | 显示全部楼层
<P>F4 里的原话ready for departure </P><P>其他我改改</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-24 23:16:15 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-24 23:58:03 | 显示全部楼层
<P>Good Hit Good hit ,Sea hawk stare the three F/A-18,take care it</P>
<P>Ok Roger bandit 3o'clock 40 km</P>
<P>i'm locked im locked!!Ecm on ,select Radar092 093 向右迂回包抄(不会)</P>
<P>092 wilko 093 roger</P>
<P>094 follow me making left making left!</P>
<P>bandits, 4 o'clock high, turn right to engage</P>
<P>OK wilko</P>
<P>bandits3 2o'clock ,we are going high to take a  good postion</P>
<P>092!092! stare the bandits i will take the forward </P>
<P>092 roger</P>
<P>im locked again ,094 散开交战</P>
<P>incoming missile 12oclock im breaking left  094 going on locking  bandit</P>
<P>094Roger take care 091</P>
<P>he missed </P>
<P>094 i got lock my bandit , launched r27</P>
<P>he is turning away,miss damn it</P>
<P>091 i got lock shoot r27 , i take again </P>
<P>got^em!  got^em!</P>
<P>092 im locking the second bandit    093 im locking the third one</P>
<P>spike missile ,chaff chaff break right</P>
<P>093 r27 launched</P>
<P>092 im hit im hit mayday mayday i'd going down .ejecting now</P>
<P>fuck it ,092 i'll take him for u !</P>
<P>091 091 this is 093 taking the fire we need assistance</P>
<P>091 Wilko</P>
<P>i take the third one with 094 cover me</P>
<P>093 rogher </P>
<P>this is 093 i got the guys,shit we will passing by can't shoot!fuck damn it,lets take roll ,come on!</P>
<P>093 take care of your height</P>
<P>baby come on come on,keep come on ,haha i got his tail i got his tail</P>
<P>You r dead!r73 launched,wow!! what a big fire!</P>
<P>093 bandit three o'clock </P>
<P>094 roger 来个交叉,把它搞晕</P>
<P>shit! missile coming 6six o'clock !i'm breaking right ,you got^em</P>
<P>roger i make the hard left</P>
<P>he missed it we going on guys </P>
<P>094 i got lock r73fox</P>
<P>bull shit  missing it!</P>
<P>Good turn 091</P>
<P>missed again shit damn it</P>
<P>i got his 6,i 'll select the guns</P>
<P>091 willo</P>
<P>fuck how much missile he got</P>
<P>094i've turned back ,you keep on locking</P>
<P>094 roger</P>
<P>i got it igot firing !firing again! yeah ha he's going to the hell</P>
<P>splash good kill good kill</P>
<P>This is sea hawk one enemy bogey is back home </P>
<P>092 was eject</P>
<P>congratulations Sea hawk ,rescue helechopters has been sent to the area </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-25 11:49:44编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-25 10:30:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-9-25 11:57:41 | 显示全部楼层
<P>对接完毕,开始加油</P><P>Conact! Receving fuel.(JF18原话)</P><P>向右迂回包抄</P><P>Drag right!(F-22ADF原话)</P><P>散开交战</P><P>Open formation and engage offensive</P><P> what a big fire! </P><P>建议 Great ball of the fire!</P><P>把它搞晕</P><P>Make him dizzy.</P><P>
发表于 2004-9-25 12:07:29 | 显示全部楼层
我认为还要简短,比如Open formation and engage offensive---》Open formation and engage
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