3GO模拟飞行网|3GO Cyber Air Force




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发表于 2004-9-25 09:56:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2004-9-25 10:09:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-9-25 10:30:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-9-25 10:30:52 | 显示全部楼层
稿子在这里<a href="http://bbs.3gofly.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=1&amp;id=11829" target="_blank" >http://bbs.3gofly.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=1&amp;id=11829</A>
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-25 12:40:06 | 显示全部楼层
<P>先把duronfire的翻译修改补充一下吧。大家提提意见先。 再次呼吁谁能把字幕中文稿贴出来。有些地方对军事术语</P><P>还是不太记得清了。</P><P>看着录像翻译太慢太累了。如果有中文稿件对着翻译就快多了,而且做成中英文对照稿件也容易把英文字幕加到录像里去。</P><P>===================================</P><P>Blue Eagle One (飞行表演队代号,参考蓝天使 ), engine on! Finish your pre-flight checklist!</P><P>Copy!</P><P>BE11 engine on! </P><P>BE12 engine on! </P><P>BE13 engine on! </P><P>BE14 engine on!</P><P>Blue Eagle One ready to taxi. Requesting permission to go.</P><P>This is Mustang(塔台). Blue Eagle One you are cleared to runway 18L</P><P>BE1(缩写)copy. Taxiing, two... three.... four... (???)</P><P>BE11 ready to take off, </P><P>BE12 ready to take off </P><P>BE13 ready to take off</P><P>BE14 ready to take off </P><P>Roger, BE1 you're cleared to take off.</P><P>Copy, prepare to take off.</P><P>PART 2</P><P>Code red! Code red! </P><P>Incoming enemy aircraft carrier fleet, heading 180, 200 miles, 10miles closing. </P><P>Sea Hawk One, immediately scramble to intercept! </P><P>Group one 091 092. Group two 093 094. Prepare to take off!</P>
<P>091 copy!</P><P>092 copy!</P><P>093 copy!</P><P>094 copy!</P><P>091 ready, request permission to take off.</P><P>091, you are cleared to take off. </P><P>Copy!</P><P>092, you are cleared to take off.</P><P>Copy!</P><P>093 094 ready to take off.</P><P>093 094 you are cleared to take off. </P><P>093 copy!</P><P>094 copy!</P><P>Sea Hawk One, good luck!!</P><P>Thanks! We'll get you some good news...</P><P>PART 3</P><P>Big Bird, Big Bird(加油机代号)This is Sea Hawk One, we are passing waypiont 3, requesting vector to tanker.</P><P>This is Big Bird, heading 220, 10000 feet, 100km closing</P><P>Roger, Sea hawk One ready to refuel.</P><P>Roger, 091 broom number one, 093 broom number3. 092 094 stand by.</P><P>091 copy.</P><P>093 copy.</P><P>091 docking finished. Start fueling. </P><P>093, keep fueling. </P><P>Copy!</P><P>093 docking finished. Start fueling.</P><P>091 done, breaking off.</P><P>093 done, breaking off.</P><P>092 094, your turn.</P><P>PART 4(8:10以后)</P><P>Great job, Sea Hawk One! Three enemy Superhornets F/A-18 in the air! Finish them!</P><P>Copy! Bandits, 3o'clock high, 40 km.</P><P>Enemy radar lock! Enemy radar lock! Music (ECM) on! Radar on! 092 093 bracket right! </P><P>092 copy!</P><P>093 copy!</P><P>094 with me. Bank left!</P><P>Bandits, 4 o'clock high. Bank right! Engage!.</P><P>Copy!</P><P>Bandit #3, 2o'clock high, let's go vertical.</P><P>092! 092! Keep your eyes on the bandit. I'm moving forward!</P><P>092 copy!</P><P>Enemy radar lock again! 094, split right, engage.</P><P>Missile, 12o'clock! I'm breaking left. 094 go after the bandit.</P><P>094 copy! Be careful, 091.</P><P>Gee, that was close! (missile spoofed!)</P><P>094, I got a good lock. Fox one, R27!</P><P>He is breaking away... missile missed, damn it!</P><P>091 I got a good lock. Fox one, R27! Fox one again! </P><P>Got him! Got him! Bandit splashed!</P><P>(092) I'm going after bandit #2, </P><P>(093) I'll go after bandit #3</P><P>Missile inbound! Chaff off, chaff off! Breaking right!</P><P>093 Fox one, R27!</P><P>This is 092. I'm hit! I'm hit! Mayday! Mayday! I'm going down. Punch out!</P><P>Damn! 092, I'll go get this SOB for you!</P><P>091, 091, this is 093. I'm under fire, help!</P><P>091 copy!</P><P>I''ll go get bandit #3 with 094. 093, cover me!</P><P>093 copy!</P><P>This is 093, I'm closing on the bandit fast. Head on! Sh*t, he passed! No fire! Damn it!</P><P>093, keep flying high! Watch out your energy!</P><P>093 copy!</P><P>Come on, Come on.. Haha, I'm on his six! I'm on his six!</P><P>You're dead! Fox two, R73. Wow!! What a big nice fireball!</P><P>This is 093. Bandit #3, three o'clock high! </P><P>094 copy. Ok, let's do a head on cross, see if we can mess him up!</P><p><P>Damn! Missile 6 o'clock! I'm breaking right! You go get him!</P><P>Copy, banking left hard.</P><P>He missed it (???) Keep going! </P><P>094 I got a good lock. Fox three, R73!</P><P>Bullshit, missile lost!</P><P>Nice turn, 091.</P><P>Missed again, sh*t, damn it.</P><P>I am on his six! I'm switching to guns.</P><P>091 wilko.</P><P>Gees, how many missiles he's got!</P><P>094 I've turned back, you keep going after him!</P><P>094 copy!</P><P>I've got him. Guns, guns, guns! </P><P>Guns guns guns!! Yeaha, he's going hell! </P><P>Bandit splashed! Nice shot!</P><P>This is Sea Hawk One, all three Superhornets wiped out. 092 went down. He punched out. </P><P>Great job, Sea Hawk One! Rescue choppers on the way for 092. </P><P>Roger!</P>
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