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发表于 2008-7-11 21:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
So, in a nut shell, that is where we are with DCS: Black Shark and we are still shooting for a release sometime later in 2008.

DCS: Black Shark Update: 09 July 2008

After a longer than expected delay due to some new build problems (accurate track file reproduction), I have a new DCS update for you. As last time, most of the DCS: Black Shark effort is focused on identifying and fixed the many bugs that are still in the code. Given the increased complexity of the Ka-50 over previous aircraft we have modeled, the likelihood of bugs creeping in grows dramatically. Additionally, the new Mission Editor, new campaign system, re-vamped multiplayer, and new GUI interface has certainly brought a new set of testing and debugging challenges. We realize that a few of you are a bit grumpy about the delays, but please understand that we wish to release a quality product and not put it out the door with known, significant bugs.

In addition to testing and debugging, a lot work continues on missions. These are sub-divided into the single missions, campaign missions and training missions. While there is still a lot of work to do on this front, some of the missions are already in test and this is proving a valuable tool in identifying bugs in other areas of the code.

Here are a few items that have worked there way into the code base since my last update:

- Track file reproducibility problems have been resolved

- Multi-monitor support has been added. Now you can set, i.e. standard view + Shkval view on 2 monitors

- New TrackIR support is added

- NATO mission editor icons have been added, in addition to new Russian style military icons

- English caution/warning lamps have been added to the Ka-50 cockpit

- Mission editor keyboard commands have been added (Del, etc.)

- Icing and de-icing of blades and pitot tube has been added

- Turbulence has been added

- Engines icing has been added

- Dust influence on engines has been added

- Engines deterioration and failures by exceeding normal operational conditions has been added

- Hydro system and brakes have been adjusted

- Autopilot sensors are adjusted to be more realistic real

- Control system channel failures have been added

- Triple-head support has been added

- Trigger coalition rule has been added t Mission Editor

- Weather presets have been added

- New GUI music has been added

- Installer has been added

- Cloud density has been adjusted

- Start and end mission string is added to debriefings

- New system of preloading resources has been implemented. This may result in objects not appearing right after changing views to a not previously displayed object. This may also give more FPS on not top-line PCs when terrain preloading is set to 80km, but this will probably not cause any FPS changes with terrain preloading set to 20km.

- Flatter effect for blades is added (human FM)

- Ceilings are tuned (human FM)

- This of course is in addition to a long list of resolved bugs.

In addition to the 550+ page Ka-50 flight manual mentioned earlier, we have also now completed the 160+ page DCS manual that covers all the GUI elements to include such pages as the Mission Editor, Campaign Editor, Multiplayer screen, etc.

So, in a nut shell, that is where we are with DCS: Black Shark and we are still shooting for a release sometime later in 2008.

As for after DCS: Black Shark, work continues on other aircraft modules. Although these are certainly works in progress and hardly complete, I have attached a few development cockpit images of the F-16C and Mi-24. To reiterate what was mentioned before, we have a list of aircraft modules that are currently in development and one stage or another; however, that does not mean that we will not consider other aircraft if we have the proper data and feel the aircraft fits well within our entertainment and military simulation lines.







- 录象文件回放问题解决了
- 加入了多显示器支持。现在你可以设置---比如--标准视角+Shkval在两台显示器上
- 新的TrackIR支持的加入
- NATO任务编辑器图标加入,以及新的俄罗斯风格军事图标
- 英文提示/告警灯加入到Ka-50的座舱中
- 任务编辑器键盘指令的加入(Del等)
- 结冰/除冰以及皮托管(pitot tube)的加入
- 湍流的加入
- 引擎结冰的加入
- 沙尘对引擎的影响加入
- 超出正常工作状态时的引擎恶化和失效的加入
- 液压系统和刹车的调节
- 自动驾驶传感器调整为更接近真实
- 控制系统管路失效的加入
- Triple-head支持的加入
- 触发器连动规则加入到任务编辑器中
- 预设天气主题的加入
- 新的GUI音乐加入
- 安装器的加入(installer)
- 云层密度调整
- 任务开始/结束字串加入到任务汇报中
- 集成了新的资源预载入系统。这个应该会解决当改变视角到一个之前未观察的物体后物体没有立刻出现的问题。这也会在预载入地形设置为80km时给高端PC更多的FPS值,但估计不会有任何FPS变化如果地形预载入设置为20km。
- 螺旋桨颤动效应加入(human FM)
- 上限调整(human FM)
- 一大堆的bug解决


所以,in a nut shell,我们依然期待在2008年晚些时候发布DCS:Black Shark



抱歉,我没找到图片,sorry  ---kiss4luna

[ 本帖最后由 kiss4luna 于 2008-7-12 16:23 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-7-12 08:24:26 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 L~D 于 2008-7-28 18:36 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-7-12 14:52:59 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 kiss4luna 于 2008-7-26 13:45 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-7-12 15:31:31 | 显示全部楼层
为了更好地支持《数字战斗模拟》的第三方开发,Ealge Dynamics已经创建了一套插件允许第三方开发者有更大的能力修改和增添内容到DCS中。当前的插件包括:

# 物理驾驶舱界面包(PCIP)。这个包提供了驾驶舱创建的支持,允许更高效地、更“切实”地安置软件中模拟的系统至物理驾驶舱。这包括了一系列的投射系统。PCIP将在《DCS:黑鲨》发布后向所有人开放。

# 地形创建器。这个3DSMax插件允许开发者创建新的地形地图(海拔、贴图、物体)以在DCS中使用。相关地形的创建者将被要求签署一份与Eagle Dynamics的关系合同,内容所有权将归ED。

# 3D模型创建器。这个3DSMax插件允许创建活动3D物体加入到DCS中。达到足够质量的模型将被加入到DCS中。

# 6余度座舱创建器。这个插件允许物体创建者为DCS用户创建的新飞行器创建新的6余度座舱。

# 扩展飞行模型链。这个软件包允许链接第三方飞行动力系统至DCS中以控制飞行器。

# 图形用户界面资源包。这个包裹包括了允许开发者创建他们自己的GUI屏幕、任务编辑器、战役编辑器的原代码。

由于地形创建器的加入,第三方包裹的支持将在《DCS:黑鲨》的发布后成为可能。高素质的具备开发地形经验的开发者可以通过电子邮件 matt@fighter-collection.com 以联系Matt Wagner,讨论DCS地形创建。任何这类的内容将成为Eagle Dynamics的财产,Eagle Dynamics可能会将它们作为DCS软件包的一部分使用。

1. 达到Dagle Dynamics的质量标准的内容可能会作为DCS后期软件包的组件直接集成。

2. 可以作为非官方插件免费地向用户发布。

3. 可以作为官方收费组件向用户发布,但需要向ED支付一定版权费用。

发表于 2008-7-12 16:38:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-12 16:48:06 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 kiss4luna 于 2008-7-12 16:50 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-7-12 16:50:32 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 feiying 于 2008-7-12 16:54 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-7-12 20:10:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-13 03:12:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-15 15:17:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-16 10:51:36 | 显示全部楼层
monkey89001 在等待
发表于 2008-7-20 00:45:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-25 00:31:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-28 01:47:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-28 18:41:12 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 3go-251 于 2008-7-25 00:31 发表

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