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[插件] [原创]labels修改大法--(图显修改)

发表于 2005-10-4 11:06:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P>用记事本打开Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Config\View下的labels.lua</P>
<P>-- Labels params
-- Copyright (C) 2004, Eagle Dynamics.</P>
<P>LabelAirOn = true ---        空中图显              不喜欢显示的可改为False
LabelGroundOn = true ----     地面物图显
LabelNavyOn = true   ----        海军图显
LabelMissileOn = true  ----     导弹图显</P>
<P>-- Max distance for labels depends on value of visibility range option from graphics option
-- For low ?40000.0 m
-- For medium ?50000.0 m
-- For hi ?80000.0 m</P>
<P>LabelMinDistanceAir = 100.0 --------
LabelMaxDistanceAir = 50000.0--------
LabelMinDistanceGround = 100.0-------
LabelMaxDistanceGround = 20000.0   --------   相应的显示距离,根据需要自已改
LabelMinDistanceNavy = 100.0--------
LabelMaxDistanceNavy = 50000.0----------
LabelMinDistanceMissile = 100.0------
LabelMaxDistanceMissile = 20000.0----</P>
-- Format of Label
-- %N - name of object
-- %D - distance to object
-- %P - pilot name
-- %n - line return
-- %% - symbol '%'
-- %x, where x is not NDPn% - symbol 'x'
-- Example
-- labelFormat = "Name: %N%nDistance: %D%n Pilot: %P"
--       Name: Su-33
--       Distance: 30km
--       Pilot: Pilot1
LabelFormat = "%*" ------------在游戏中只显示 * 号</P>
<P>-- Colors in format {red, green, blue}, volume from 0 up to 255</P>
<P>ColorAliesSide = {200, 0, 0}
ColorEnemiesSide = {0, 0, 200} ----    颜色可修改

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-11 14:19:27编辑过]

发表于 2007-8-31 10:10:13 | 显示全部楼层
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