本帖最后由 我是谁啊 于 2012-1-13 23:11 编辑
第一个视频:In the past few days,fresh troops and materials have arrived from America. In addition to these arrivals , recent battlefield successes have raised speculation that the combined forces may be launching a new offensive. The combined forces leadership of course refuses to comment on operational plans, but increase air activity indicates that the sizeable offensive is underway 。
第二个视频:The combined forces campaign has started to an arrival. The week’s losses have forced the retreat across the front .Combat hospitals reporting higher casualty rates with infantry suffering the brunt of the emery counter attacks. A military spokes person called the setbacks unexpected,siding problems and commutations and logistics. While tence material are shipped in country everyday, the right supplies are not reaching the units they need them. As casualty numbers climb, congressional leaders have began calling on the president to bring American soldiers home.