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War Thunder 进攻性双机配合战术 板块内部讨论【教程已完结】

发表于 2013-6-4 14:45:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 LJQC 于 2013-6-6 14:37 编辑

我最近打算把2005版AFTTP 3-3 V5直接拿来用了,毕竟里面都是些代表着较为先进的战术思想神马的。改变一些参数之后用在二战也未尝不可,有兴趣的可以跟帖讨论~~~

首先想从最简单的2V1开始入手。因为WT里玩家团体大多比较松散(但也不排除有战队的那种),2V1的情况会比较多。特别是在机动性占劣势的情况下如何通过有效的配合迅速歼灭对手是主要考虑的问题。(其实我想说魔改153P= =)通讯方面跟现代美军一样,打算尽可能多地使用Brevity Codes来确认各自的职责,保持Mutual Support(MS)。以下抽取部分文段用作指导教程,我尽量把内容编排得足够简单:

1. Flight Path Deconfliction. Deconfliction contracts must be established between the fighters. These deconfliction contracts are defined by the defensive fighter (DF), engaged fighter (EF), and supporting fighter (SF) roles. Deconfliction contracts are typically established via communications.【WT中经常可以看到很多架友机跟在一架敌机的屁股后面,甚至还有相撞的,这就叫Flight Path Conflict。避免此类情况发生就需要如下定义确立好各自的职责:】

2. Air Combat Maneuvering Responsibilities. In addition to the responsibilities listed below, any fighter in the engagement should call the adversary ID as soon as it can be determined.

    2.1 Defensive Fighter (DF). During defensive maneuvering, devote maximum attention to defeating any weapons in flight, denying an adversary WEZ, upgrading defensive
situation to neutral or offensive geometry, or separating if possible. DFs have one overriding priority—survive. Fly best defensive BFM and do not hit the ground.

    2.2 Engaged Fighter (EF). The EF responsibilities are as follows:
• Ensure flight path deconfliction with the DF, if one exists.
• Maneuver to ID and kill the adversary in minimum time. If unable, make the adversary predictable.
• Keep the SF informed of status and intentions.

    2.3 Supporting Fighter (SF). The SF may have to perform several tasks at once while surviving the threat and must clearly understand the responsibilities and priorities. The
SF's priorities will change depending on the EF or DF's status. The SF's responsibilities are as follows:
• Maintain visual and ensure flight path deconfliction with the engaged or defensive fighter.
• Maintain tally and do not become defensive. 【保持目视这个在历史模式中应该不会有太大问题,不过建议养成看黑点的习惯,为冲全真做准备】
• Maneuver for a shot of opportunity.
• Sanitize the area about the flight.
• Engage other factor threats.
• Maintain overall SA to include additional threats, fuel and weapons state, and separation opportunities. 【特别注意历史模式中那些太阳方向或者云层内部的小黑点】

3. Brevity Codes【以下都是一些接下来会用到的Brevity Codes,它是我们口头确立ACM职责的途径。详细运用请参见第4部分】

• “DEFENSIVE”—Speaker is under attack, is maneuvering defensively, and is unable to ensure deconfliction or mutual support.

• “ENGAGED”—Informative call used to establish engaged and support roles in the visual arena. [3-1.5-specific] prior to the initial engaged and supporting roles being
established, the “ENGAGED” call may be used by the wingman as a request only. “OFFENSIVE” or “NEUTRAL” may be added, time permitting, to enhance SA.

• “SUPPORTING” [3-1.5-specific]—Supporting fighter is assumed to be visual and NO JOY and is executing supporting fighter's responsibilities.

• “PRESS”—Directive call to continue the attack; MS will be maintained. Supportive role will be assumed by the speaker.

• “CLEARED”—Flight lead response. Requested action is authorized. Mutual support may be detached to fulfill briefed contracts (e.g., split criteria, shot doctrine). Wingmen
will ensure deconfliction from flight lead.

• “NEGATIVE” [3-1.5-specific]—Requested action is denied. Maintain previous role.

• “SWITCHED”—Indicates an attacker is changing from one aircraft to another.

• “ENTRY” [3-1.5-specific]—(Used with sub-cardinal and altitude description, high/low.) A request to swap roles from the supporting fighter.

• “STATUS”—Request for an individual's tactical situation. (Group name) Request for a full positional update in digital bullseye format on the specified group.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 20:19:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 LJQC 于 2013-6-4 21:42 编辑

4. Air Combat Maneuvering Role Establishment.

    4.1 Deconfliction Role Establishment—General. In the interest of communications brevity, avoid making unneeded deconfliction communication when an adequate deconfliction contract is already established. For example, if a DF forces a bandit overshoot and reverses, there is no requirement to “upgrade” the DF’s status to EF, and “downgrade” the EF status to SF. The EF is still deconflicting from the DF, and this supports the gameplan, even though the “DF” is now in a guns WEZ on the bandit.

    4.2 EF Role Establishment. Engaged and supporting roles are usually finalized during the terminal phase of an intercept. Sometimes deconfliction roles need to be established or
altered well prior to the merge (e.g., split or notch/attack situations). If Viper 2 calls “VIPER 2, SPLIT WEST GROUP, BRA 320, 9, 25 THOUSAND”【表示Viper2想要对敌机进行Split Attack,并在征求Viper 1的确认】 and Viper 1 responds with “VIPER 2, PRESS,”【Viper 1确认Viper 2为EF,自己为SF】 the roles are established upon Viper 2’s acknowledgement. Wingmen may acknowledge the flight lead’s “PRESS” call with either their callsign, “VIPER 2”, or “VIPER 2 ENGAGED”.【至此 各自的ACM职责被正式确立】

    (续)Range to the threat and SA-level as to adversary intent are the main considerations in choosing the acknowledgement. Range should be less than 5 nm and reasonable SA as to adversary intent should exist prior to calling “ENGAGED”. If Viper 1 owns the group, Viper flight is visually bracketing(俯视图参见 Figure 4.89), and it becomes obvious that the adversaries are leaning on Viper 2, relieve Viper 2 of deconfliction duties(意思就是让Viper 2当EF) to allow optimum postmerge BFM, while Viper 1 deconflicts and kills the adversarie(s) with unobserved shots. The correct call from Viper 1 is “Viper 2, PRESS.” Viper 2 responds with “VIPER 2 ENGAGED” (due to close range and clear adversary intent). If Viper 2 cannot fulfill the duties of the EF (insufficient ownship SA), the response to lead's press call would be, “Viper 2 UNABLE.” In the bracket situation above, if the bogeys lean towards Viper 1, Viper 1 does not need to make an “ENGAGED” call (existing flight lead/wingman deconfliction contract is adequate) but should make tally point out calls to the wingman.

    (续)Some situations may allow the wingman to make an “ENGAGED” call as a request to the flightlead to take the EF role prior to any engaged or supporting roles being established. For example, Viper 2 visually picks up a threat at left 10 o'clock high that did not previously meet split criteria and Viper 1 is unaware. The correct call from
Viper 2 is “VIPER 2 ENGAGED, LEFT 10, 3 MILES, 10 HIGH.” Viper 1’s available responses are “PRESS”, “NEGATIVE”, or “CLEARED”. Until Viper 1, calls “PRESS”, Viper 2 must still maintain the deconfliction responsibilities.


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发表于 2013-6-4 21:15:26 | 显示全部楼层

2机的战术,最好实在历史 以及以上级别的战斗中,街机太乱了



 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 21:27:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 LJQC 于 2013-6-4 21:33 编辑
foxwxl 发表于 2013-6-4 21:15

2机的战术 ...

嗯,总之我也会先把AFTTP读下去,然后做适当调整。主要是BZ那块只适合二战。。。。另外那架I-153P让我印象深刻啊,当时就我的喷水跟一架F-22A在他的高6点,然后我B下去之后没打中,平飞。。。然后一看它比我高了那么多,没管那架F-22A就来B我了= =  范了个错误,那时候不应该再转过去对头的,我当时位置已经相当的Defensive了~~

发表于 2013-6-4 21:35:58 | 显示全部楼层
LJQC 发表于 2013-6-4 21:27
嗯,总之我也会先把AFTTP读下去,然后做适当调整。主要是BZ那块只适合二战。。。。另外那架I-153P让我印象 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 22:27:19 | 显示全部楼层

    4.3 Supporting Fighter Role Establishment. The wingman is assumed to have the SF role unless some other role has been previously established. The flight lead assumes the SF role by directing the wingman to “PRESS.” The role change is complete when the wingman acknowledges with callsign or an engaged call (as appropriate based on range and anticipated maneuver). When resuming the SF role from a previously engaged or defensive role, the wingman calls, “VIPER 2, SUPPORTING.”

    4.4 Defensive Fighter Role Establishment—Mature Engagement. In an engagement where EF and SF roles are already established, make a “SWITCHED” call if the adversary
switches from one fighter to another. A “SWITCHED” call in no way communicates a handoff of responsibilities unless “DEFENSIVE” is included. The term “SWITCHED” merely conveys the adversary's current pursuit course. If the SF must drop deconfliction responsibility in order to survive(也就是被迫当DF), the SF calls “HOSTILE SWITCHED, (C/S) DEFENSIVE.”(例子可见下图)The EF acknowledges with call sign and any amplifying data. DF status is given to the former SF when the EF acknowledges the “DEFENSIVE” call. The EF will ensure deconfliction from the DF while maneuvering to kill the bandit. As soon as the situation changes and the DF is no longer threatened, the DF calls either “PRESS” (from flight leads) or “SUPPORTING” (from wingman). Either of these calls relieves the EF of deconfliction duties and transfers them back to the SF (formerly DF).

    4.5 Defensive Fighter Role Establishment—Surprise Attack. In a situation where the F-16s detect an attack from the aft quadrant requiring a defensive break turn, DF status will initially go to any F-16 receiving a directive break call. For example, if Viper 2 detects a bogey attacking Viper 1 and calls “VIPER 1, BREAK LEFT, BOGEY LEFT 7, 2 MILES, 20 HIGH”(例子可见上图), Viper 1 is the DF. If bogey intent is unknown, or the directive break call is not directed to a specific flight member, the fighter in trail is responsible for deconfliction. If a different contract is required, it must be included with the initial call. For instance, if in the above situation, Viper 2 perceives the bogey to be attacking Viper 2, the call would be “VIPER 1, BREAK LEFT, VIPER 2 DEFENSIVE, BOGEY LEFT 7, 2 MILES, 20 HIGH.” Viper 1s acknowledgement of this call allows Viper 2 to have DF status.


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 23:36:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 LJQC 于 2013-6-5 00:01 编辑

5. Role Changes. Prolonged turning fights are not wise considering the capabilities of modern adversary aircraft. Quick kills with SOO(Shots of Opportunity, defined as an available shot taken by any fighter currently fulfilling deconfliction responsibilities.【例如SF或者EF。而DF是没有deconfliction这项职责的】  ) are the preferred method to achieving success in the visual arena. Role changes should therefore be the exception, rather than the rule. Adherence to the following contracts is critical. No role change is complete until acknowledged by both fighters.

    5.1 Role Change Considerations. Situations requiring a role exchange could include ordnance limitations, adversary switches or offensive BFM errors by the current EF (stuck in lag, etc.). The SF should only request a role change if (1) it is necessary to drop deconfliction duties in order to kill the bandit and (2) doing so will result in a quicker kill than if the EF continued the current attack.(具体例子见下图)
    (续)“Neutrally” engaged fighters either across the circle, in a stack, or in a scissors will rarely be able to alter their maneuvering without risking becoming defensive before the bandit is killed. Thus, neutrally engaged fighters should only approve a role change request if they can fulfill SF deconfliction duties without degrading their maneuvering relative to the adversary. “Offensive” EFs who subsequently call “NEUTRAL” have conveyed the course of the engagement, increasing the reliance on the supporting fighter to employ SOO.

    5.2 Role Change Communications.
        5.2.1 Flight leads currently in the SF role, and desiring EF status, do not require clearance from EF wingmen. They can simply declare themselves to be the EF with “VIPER 1 ENGAGED”.
        5.2.2 The term used by a wingman SF to request a role change to EF is “ENTRY.”【僚机不能直接说“Viper 2, Engaged”,必须先make a request】 “VIPER 2 ENTRY, (sub-cardinal direction, elevation)” is used when the wingman SF can kill or control the bandit but must drop deconfliction duties in order to do so. The responses available to the (flight lead) EF are “PRESS,” “NEGATIVE,” or “CLEARED.”

    • “PRESS”—The wingman is the new EF, the flight lead is the SF and will adhere to all SF responsibilities. The role change is complete, upon the wingman’s acknowledgement, “VIPER 2 ENGAGED”.
    • “NEGATIVE”—the role change is denied. The wingman must maintain the supporting role.
    • “CLEARED”—The role change is not complete. The flight lead wants to give a “PRESS” but lacks adequate positional awareness on the wingman to ensure deconfliction.
The wingman may continue to maneuver versus the adversary, but must maintain deconfliction from lead while providing additional positional information.
As soon as the flight lead has enough information (or the visual) to ensure deconfliction, the flight lead should say “PRESS”. The wingman’s acknowledgement completes
the role change. A correctly formatted “ENTRY” call enhances the current IF’s ability to obtain the visual.

上图中,僚机(SF)判断如果长机(EF)进入缠斗所消耗的时间会相当长,而自己有能力对目标进行一次SOO,将会“result in a quicker kill than if the EF continued the current attack”。于是僚机请求职责转换:“Viper 2, Entry West, Low.”。长机随后确认道:“Viper 1, Hostile, Fulcrum”。职责转换完成,僚机上前进行SOO。

现在考虑另外一种情况:假设现在是长机(EF)在时间点2和3之间因犯错而快要超前(offensive BFM errors),如果继续机动将导致进入被动防御。这时长机主动提出转换职责:“VIPER 1, ENGAGED NEUTRAL”。僚机确认长机意图,由自己担当EF并对目标执行SOO:“VIPER 2, ENTRY, SOUTHWEST, LOW”。长机确认道:“VIPER 2, PRESS”,僚机回答:“VIPER 2, ENGAGED”。至此职责转换完成。

另外有种更简单的方法,长机可以直接说“VIPER 2, PRESS”,僚机确认后直接完成职责转换。用原文的话来讲:Flight leads may also direct SF wingman to assume the EF role at any time, by simply saying “VIPER 2 PRESS”. This is an excellent technique with which to respond to a SF wingman’s “HOSTILE SWITCHED” call.


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-5 00:05:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 LJQC 于 2013-6-5 13:45 编辑

真心发现这些Brevity Codes碉堡了。。。。好了,接下来就是对具体战术动作的描述了。其实东西并不多,稍微看看就看完了~~

6. Air Combat Maneuver Execution.

    The goal of ACM is to kill as many hostiles as possible in the quickest possible time while safely maneuvering as a coordinated team. The previous sections outlined the deconfliction, role establishment, and role change contracts required to safely maneuver. The following sections focus on tactics and maneuver to kill.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-5 13:55:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 LJQC 于 2013-6-5 14:24 编辑

我发现下文中提到的距离参数,如果要运用在WT中,都需要把 nm(海里)全部换成 km(千米)再把数字除以 2。两机相隔太远将无法迅速支援对方,这点也需要时刻注意~~

    6.1 High Aspect ACM from Visual Bracket. The directive call is “(C/S), BRACKET (direction).” The desired formation is approximately 3 NM line abreast (or
visual limits), and allows the flight to maintain visual mutual support and determine bogey intentions. (See Figure 4.89, Visual Bracket.)

    (续)The objective is to “sandwich” the adversary between the two fighters and ideally to force the adversary to turn belly-up to whichever fighter (if any) the adversary is unaware of. Communications are critical to determine which fighter the bogey is attempting to engage. As the group owner analyzes aspect and continues to offset to the merge, the other fighter maneuvers away from the flight in the stated direction to obtain turning room and a vertical separation. At 5 NM the owner should go pure pursuit. If the bogey(s) leans on one fighter, the other fighter should have an easy SOO at the merge. It is best to delay establishing ACM roles (EF/SF) until bogey intent becomes clear, then assign EF status to the fighter the adversary is attacking, and SF status to the other fighter. To be effective, the SF needs to anticipate the SOO, and start a hard turn to pure pursuit, timed so that the adversary and EF merge just as the adversary reaches the SF’s HUD FOV.


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-5 14:43:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 LJQC 于 2013-6-5 14:58 编辑

    6.2 Adversary Options, Post-Bracket. There are only three major options available to the adversary: (1) the adversary is unaware of the SF and turn away from the SF, going two-circle with the EF. (2) The adversary is unaware of the SF, but turns into the SF, going single-circle with the EF. (3) The adversary is aware of both fighters, and attempts to fight them both by flanking outside the EF and then switching to the SF.

        6.2.1 Adversary unaware, turn away. The only challenge to the SF in this case is that an AIM-9 taken as soon as the EF and adversary pass may be kinematically defeated by the adversary’s turn away, particularly if the SF bracketed to greater than 3 to 4 NM pre-merge. Consider an AIM-120, or wait until the adversary passes about 120 degrees of turn and closure is beginning to increase again if AIM-120 is unavailable. If the SF was “too close” pre-merge, the adversary’s turn away solves all the problems and allows a quick kill with either missile.【由于木有导弹,这段基本作废。不过由于这是Bracket战术的最佳情况,即对方对SF没有反应,径直向EF冲过去了。此时长机(EF)可以与对方做一个假对头,诱使对方转弯并消耗能量,然后平飞加速脱离;僚机(SF)爬升制造Vertical Turning Room,逮住机会B下去进行一次SOO然后脱离,ACM职责不变。。。如果没有成功命中的自信,可以跟EF提出交换职责,自己来当新EF咬对方的6点,新SF(长机)则提供SA和SOO。如果长机判断高空仍有敌机,存在被BZ的风险,那么可以“NEGATIVE”拒绝职责转换,让僚机直接脱离。】

        6.2.2 Adversary unaware, turns into SF. With proper pre-merge bracket position, and turn-in timing, there are about 5 to 10 seconds available after the VID for the SF to get off a missile shot. If no shots are available due to countermeasures, or insufficient pre-merge separation, the SF’s best bet is an immediate vertical entry (low-to-high preferred) into the adversary’s control zone. This is not a particularly challenging maneuver, but must be requested and approved via the previously described “ENTRY” contract. See paragraph 5.2, Role Change Communications.

        6.2.3 Adversary aware, switches to SF. With proper pre-merge position and turn-in timing, the SF should be able to kill the adversary before the switch is even apparent. However, if countermeasures or improper position prevent a front quarter shot by the SF, and the switch becomes apparent, the SF calls “(C/S), HOSTILE SWITCHED”. An EF (who is a flight lead) should immediately respond with (“C/S”, PRESS). The new SF should deconflict while turning to immediately shoot the adversary with a SOO while the new EF flies best BFM
to negate the adversary’s attack and seize the offensive.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-6 10:18:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 LJQC 于 2013-6-6 13:43 编辑


个人认为WT中大多数描述用语直接用中文就可以了,只有上文中提到的几个Brevity Codes用英文,下面举个例子:

就比如昨天晚上我跟903联飞的时候,我当长机(EF),903是僚机(SF)。在爬升阶段我发现2点低有一个黑点(距离未知,判断较远),这时我想跟僚机交换一下SA(由于距离较远,周围SA还没完全建立起来,因此没有进攻的意图),英文为:“1, TALLY Single-ship, Right 2 Low”。。。但是像这样的描述性语句在游戏里就直接用中文了:“1号,发现单机,两点低,较远”。只要简单准确地传达信息,怎样都好~~

以上的Clock Position Format仅适合于我跟僚机航向一致且靠得比较近的情况。。。至于其他比较分散的情况,历史模式中目前能想出的比较好的方法有:先观察僚机的飞行方向,然后直接使用“前后左右”大致报一下方位来交换SA~~~由于航电限制,不能直接使用现代战机的BRAA Position Format。

接下来在6000米高度巡视了一下,高空没有发现敌机的行踪,低空成堆黑点聚集。。。在一侧发现有架落单的 I-15,不远处还有个SB-2M,于是我决定去B那架 I-15。由于BZ不存在于现代空战中,其相关通讯当然只能靠自己想了。(注:下面的都是自己想出来的,有不同意见可以提出。)







如果在此期间有威胁迫近(比如旁边那个多管闲事的SB-2M,或者赶来支援的Lagg-3),其中的SF可以上前交战,形成两个1V1的情况。因为SF的职责包括了Sanitize the area about the flight和Engage other factor threats。

如果这架SF为长机,首先告诉僚机自己的意图:“1号,Lagg-3迫近,上前交战”。僚机确认后,继续作为EF攻击之前的那架 I-15。ACM职责不变。


发表于 2013-6-6 11:16:08 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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