本帖最后由 L0op8ack 于 2014-5-7 10:06 编辑
FAQ for F-15 AFM Development
1. Nose Wheel
1) Steering system automatically engages when nose gear is on the ground
2) Nose Gear Steering Disengage (LAlt + Q, must be held) - disengages nose gear steering system. Steering will re-engage when button is released and nose gear rotated less than 45 degrees
3) Nose Gear Maneuvering Range (S, must be held) - selects maneuvering range (45 degrees)
2. Braking
1) Wheel Brake On (W) - brakes with both wheels
2) Wheel Brake Left On/Off (LCtrl + A) and Wheel Brake Right On/Off (LAlt + A) - discrete braking, each command for its wheel. Also there are separate axis
3) Axis can be inverted. If you have trouble with landing and touchdown, check brakes axis settings
3. Fuel system
1) Fuel quantity indicator now indicates fuel quantity in Feed tanks. Their capacity is different - near 1500 lbs right and 1250 lbs left
2) FUEL LOW light shows low fuel level in feed tanks, 1000 lbs in right feed tank and 600 lbs in left feed tank
3) External tanks refueling is prevented until tank 1 fuel quantity is above approximately 1560 lbs
4) While air refueling, if FUEL LOW light is off, and when gear is down, fuel won't transfer into internal tanks
5) While air refueling fuel won't transfer from tank 1
6) Fuel dump stops when BINGO FUEL light is on
4. Control system
1) FFB isn't working now, it's known. WIP
2) AFCS Attitude Hold - holds pitch and roll. All three CAS channels must be on to switch Attitude hold on.
ATT HOLD is automatically disengaged when: load factor is greater than +4g and less than 0g, CAS axis is disengaged.
Is temporary disengaged when: pitch is greater than +-45, roll is greater than +-60 or stick forces is applied.
Can be engaged by A key
3) AFCS Altitude Hold - holds altitude and roll.
Attitude Hold must be engaged to switch Altitude hold on.
ALT HOLD is automatically disengaged when: Attitude hold is disengaged, vertical velocity exceeds 2000 FPM.
Is temporary disengaged when: roll is greater than +-60, stick forces is applied.
Can be engaged by H key
4) Autopilot lights are working incorrect. It's known issue. WIP You can check mode by its switch
5. Speed brake
1) You can extend and retract speedbrake to any desired position using Airbrake On (LShift+B) and Airbrake Off (LCtrl+B).
First press start moving, second stops. With Airbrake (B) command speedbrake extends and retracts to its extreme positions
2) Speedbrake automatically retracts when AoA becomes more than 15.5 degress (25.5 units).
It automatically extends, when AoA is reduced (WIP)