ExternalMouse = true
ExternalMouseSpeedSlow = 1.0
ExternalMouseSpeedNormal = 5.0
ExternalMouseSpeedFast = 20.0
ExternalViewAngleMin = 3.0
ExternalViewAngleMax = 170.0
-- If ExternalViewAngleDefault is not set here then cockpit value is used
-- Remove comment "--" in the next line and set your custom value:
--ExternalViewAngleDefault = 60.0
ExternalKeyboardZoomAcceleration = 30.0
ExternalKeyboardZoomAccelerateTimeMax = 1.0
CameraTerrainRestriction = false
ExplosionExpoTime = 4.0
ExternalAirObjectsLockDistance = 10000.0
-- Don't change existing values, they are requested from ?+!
-- Use these indices in Snap and CockpitLocalPoint tables.
PlaneIndex = {
iSu_27 = 1,
iSu_33 = 2,
iSu_25 = 3,
iSu_39 = 4,
iMiG_29 = 5,
iMiG_29K = 6,
iA_10 = 7,
iF_15 = 8,