<P>MrWolf作的评测<a href="http://www.lockonskins.co.uk/?page=previews/1.1/page1" target="_blank" >http://www.lockonskins.co.uk/?page=previews/1.1/page1</A></P>
Intel Pentium P4 2.4 – OC’d to 2.6
Corsair XMS TwinX Dual Channel 2x 256mb
XFX Nvdia FX5900XT 128mb 456/932 Mhz (memory/core)
Plantronics 24bit External Sound Card USB
Saitek X45
TrackIR 3 Pro
Lockon Settings = All on Full or High with the excetptions of Scene = Medium Reflections = Off Mirrors = Off 1024x768 Res 32bit Color.
FPS = Very little gain or drop with the new Frog thought experienced pauses when switching Shkval TV on, overall performance with the other planes has increased and seems more optimized and smooth to play.
<B>ALDEGA</B> (a "fossil" PC according to some ...):
AMD Athlon XP 1900+ at default speed of 1.6Ghz (doubles as heating in the winter)
2x 512MB DDR333
Geforce 4 Ti4200 128MB
Tir1 (I keep telling people, it works fine)
Microsoft Sidewinder FF2 (best force feedback stick out there, you won't play IL-2 without this once you try it <IMG src="http://www.lockonskins.co.uk/images/smileys/wink.gif" align=top border=0> )
Lockon settings = most on medium-high, no heat blur. FPS seems the same as before, somewhat lower with several Su-25T are in close view due to geometry.
Intel Pentium P4 1.3 Ghz
640MB RDRAM (800 Mhz)
Nvidia GeForce 4 Ti4200 (AGP8x)
Lockon Settings = Low - Medium
FPS/Performance = I have been flying with both low and medium settings.
My impression of the FPS: there is a little less lag from explosions and stuff like that, but the over all lag is a little tiny bit higher then usual. When flying the T its little more then with the other planes.</P> |