3GO模拟飞行网|3GO Cyber Air Force




楼主: 霍特

[提问] 你好 to 3GO players !

发表于 2013-3-30 17:00:07 | 显示全部楼层
Welcome aboard. Seems like we've got among us an early bird. Was it like 5AM or so when you put up this thread? Well I crawled outta my bed after 10 this morning. lol

Lot's of guys over here fly FC series dude. Feel free to join us in a fight. For the moment however, I gotta run back to the kitchen, gotta prepare dinner.
发表于 2013-3-30 17:57:39 | 显示全部楼层
霍特 发表于 2013-3-30 14:58
Ok thank's men !  My laptop cannot handle DCS FC3 and BMS (i don t know why) but maybe I can run FC2 ...

Hello guy. If you have a standallone video card,you can try to turn off the shaders in BMS configuration so that you may run it smoothly.
发表于 2013-3-30 19:13:50 | 显示全部楼层
Hi ,welcome to 3GO !
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-30 19:35:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 霍特 于 2013-3-30 19:58 编辑

谢谢 我很高兴

zhuoyue89  ... discommodiously to ride the fighter F15,since there are too many information displaying on the fighter's HUD.
Yep, you're right it's less easy than the data link screen of russian planes

RCtech Was it like 5AM or so when you put up this thread?
My baby get me up early but not at 5 AM :)

鬼畜的坏兔子 Hello guy. If you have a standallone video card,you can try to turn off the shaders in BMS configuration so that you may run it smoothly.

Copy. Tks
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-30 19:42:45 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 霍特 于 2013-3-30 20:45 编辑

Job 's done. I installed DCS Black Shark.
I got you TS. So see you on TS
发表于 2013-3-30 21:00:45 | 显示全部楼层
霍特 发表于 2013-3-30 19:42
Job 's done. I installed DCS Black Shark.
I got you TS. So see you on TS

In 3GO,some people are perfer to fllying in formation,like the squadron 3GO CUBE,who have released a new  advertising video in the forum's partition “空军休息室”.While the others are more intersted in versusing with each other.You can play Black Sharks with the guy 3GO*SN-1619,and F-15 with 3GO*CHN-591,they are not only flying well with the such aircrafts,but also are actively in the TS and forum.
发表于 2013-3-30 21:47:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 biller 于 2013-3-30 21:55 编辑

Bienvenue,Mr 霍特。。。。
Je parle un peule francais....(Actually,my laptop is unable to input French characters......)

Well,like my teamates said,our forum has been offline for more than 5 months so we can only assemble less than 50 men out of the total 1800+ registered members.
Ummmmmm.If you really find Chinese is hard to learn you can stop for a while because many of us can say Enlish.(..Well,TED once said China will become the biggest Enlish speaking country in 20 years........However,I do want to learn French ....)
Rightnow I'm a freshman at CUMT so ...I won't get on the Internet very frequently but I will still come back over a certain period.I'm amazed that your laptop isn't powerful.....
I think 3GO well recover slowly and I will have some free time on holidays.But...There are two or three of my teammates on our TS so you can contact them...It seems that you are good at close air combat.
Before our old forum got offline,3GO usually organized weekly air combat(4V4 or 6V6).Well,sometimes big actions concerning more than 12 players...
My E-mail is 994041940@qq.com
If you had any probles,you could send me an E-mai and I would see all what I can do.

发表于 2013-3-30 22:03:43 | 显示全部楼层
My baby get me up early but not at 5 AM :)

What do they say? Ten seconds of joy, twenty years of misery. Or it depends? lol, just kidding. Being a daddy ain't no simple task, couple of our team members had newborns during the past few years, and they all fell off the grid like voluntarily self-grounded. Poor suckers. At least you get to fly on weekends, and that, dude, is real cool. lol

Anyway, guys here fly all sorts of aircraft, primarily versus sorties. F-15 is a popular aircraft, I'm sure there're a few on the apron that you may choose from. I haven't flown on the server for quite a while. Especially since our server went offline quite some time ago. Currently I'm running DCS World and the hog on my machine. A couple of solo rounds and I'm back to my ordinary job.  Expecting rejoin soon.
发表于 2013-3-30 22:05:19 | 显示全部楼层
See you in the sky,buddy
发表于 2013-3-31 03:41:22 | 显示全部楼层
I play FC2, and I like use F15C and Su27 or Su33, you can use modman and change some file such as disable some effects to make FC2 run faster on your laptop, I use that way on a netbook which is use AMD C60 APU(only 1.0 Ghz) but it running ok in FC2
发表于 2013-3-31 10:11:49 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-3-31 13:22:47 | 显示全部楼层
hahahaha, zhe ge wo ye hui ,bu zhi zhe wei xiao wai peng you shi fou zhi dao zhe ye shi zhong wen ne ?
发表于 2013-3-31 16:25:02 | 显示全部楼层

Welcome to 3GO~
发表于 2013-3-31 19:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
Kael 发表于 2013-3-31 16:25

Welcome to 3GO~

502.....We meet again....
发表于 2013-3-31 21:42:21 | 显示全部楼层

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