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[原创] 一地鹰毛——1977年F-14与F-15的较量

发表于 2009-11-11 20:57:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


197711月,在内利斯空军基地所进行的空战/空空导弹评价测试(AIM/ACE -- EVAL)已接近尾声,鹰飞行员和火鸡飞行员之间的较量已进入白热化阶段。在内利斯基地的军官俱乐部里,双方飞行员之间的嘲讽和叫板最终都变成了在演戏中激烈的狗斗。蓝方的F-15飞行员们被上司威胁,如果你们谁让自己的驾驶舱里响起被雄猫锁定的告警,就得改行去开运输机往香港运狗屎……

当一系列的测试任务结束后,两个来自第415测试中队的F-15教官向我(D-Hose)和Turk发起了挑战。Turk并不像我那样狂妄和暴躁,但同样是一个极具侵略性,并且聪明有心计的Good Stick。我和TurkRIO(雷达截获官)分别是Bill “Hill Billy” Hill and “Fearless” Frank Schumacher。双方约定在对抗中不用雷达和红外弹,而是只用机炮。我和Turk布置了一个一万英尺高度差,25海里间距的“钩子”战术。这个宽阔的“钩子”使我们可以把这场2vs2的战斗分成一高一低并有足够水平间隔的两场1vs1

当我和Hill BillyF-14咬到离那架F-15 250英尺时,我们用机炮“干掉”那架鹰,这时候无线电里的对话如下:

两架F-15都被用机炮干掉,我们喊了“Knock it off”(结束战斗),并返回机场。两架雄猫以500节通场并做了6.5GBreak——这是我们对VX-4中队所有机务人员的致敬!

我们知道这次胜利的照相枪胶卷很可能会被内利斯基地方面毁掉,所以我们把胶卷偷偷摸摸的送到了格鲁门那里。大约一个月之后,126号,我们中队的门突然被人砸开,奈特将军(General Knight)带着他的两个随从愤怒的冲了进来,并质问“HoserTurk人在哪儿?”当时的值班军官Falcon (J.W. Taylor),走上前去问将军:“有什么我可以帮助您的吗?”将军是这么回答的:“你手下这些这些开战斗机的小兵,根本不懂自己耍的这些小把戏会对重要的国际政治决定有什么影响!”然后,奈特将军进一步解释,日本本来已经签订了购买21F-15的合同,但是《航空周刊》(AW&ST)上的一篇文章却说F-14F-15有优势,并且刊登了照相枪照片做为证据。日本现在正在考虑买F-14……

将军告知JW(J.W. Taylor),所有的照相枪胶卷、TVSU/VCRF-14的光电系统)录像带,以及录音磁带,必须要明天早上9点钟之前放在他的办公桌上!将军刚到的时候显然是很愤怒的,不过由于HoserTurk所“表现出来的谦卑和悔悟”,他还是对他的任务顺利完成表现得很满意。当然,D-HoseTurk也不想给F-15 community带来更多的麻烦,所以后来他们也从未再提起过这个事件……直到现在!



这是1977年Flight International报道的原文,我今天下午试图去找1977年AW&ST的原文,很杯具我们学校的AW&ST是从78年开始订的……

0908260934dab6647b55d3bcf9.jpg 090826093418f15dea876d0451.jpg

[ 本帖最后由 Mutha 于 2009-11-11 21:01 编辑 ]




 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-11 21:02:19 | 显示全部楼层


Eagle Feathers

Now, this is no ****! Towards the end of the AIM/ACE -- EVAL, things had heated up between the Eagle and Turkey pilots. At the Nellis O’club many innuendoes and challenges had been thrown out as a result of the high profile dog fights between the Tomcat/Eagle Blue Force and the F-5Es. The Blue Force F-15 drivers were threatened with a court martial, flying rubber dog **** outta Hong Kong and having their birthday taken away if they even thought about locking horns with ACEVAL Tomcats.

When the test sorties were finally over, a couple of F-15 instructors in the 415th training squadron took the bait. “Turk” Pentecost and I were a section. Turk was not nearly as cocky, arrogant and boisterous as D-Hose, but just as aggressive, smart, devious and just as good a stick. We briefed a very wide hook, an altitude split of 10k ft. and a radar sort @ 25nm by Bill “Hill Billy” Hill and “Fearless” Frank Schumacher. All pre-merge heat and radar missiles didn’t count. It was GUNS only at the merge. The wide hook enabled Turk and D-Hose to split the fight into (2)1v1’s, with one Turkey high, one low and lots of lateral separation.

As Hill Billy and D-hose closed for a 250ft, guns kill on their Eagle, the comm went like this:
D-hose: "Where are you Turk?"
Fearless: "Right above you Hoser"
D-hose: "We got two cons! Who’s out front?"
Turk (mildly offended): "Who do ya think?"
Both Eagles were gunned, “knock it off” was called, and the Tomcats RTB’d with a 500 knot, 6.5g, half second break at Nellis…cuz  
that was our salute and tribute to our fine VX-4 maintenance personnel.

Knowing the gun camera film would be destroyed by the Nellis Photo lab, it was covertly sent to a secret contact at Grumman for processing. Bout a month later, December 6, the door slams open and General Knight, with 2 of his staff, doggie wobble heads entered demanding to know “who and where are Hoser and Turk?” Falcon (J.W. Taylor), OinC, stepped up asking if he could be of assistance. The General respondes with, “Your fighter jocks have no idea how their playful  antics affect important political decisions!” Well, as General Knight proceeded to explain, Japan had contracted for twenty one F-15s, but an article in Aviation Week had talked about the F-14 being superior to the Eagle. With gun camera film to prove it, Japan was considering buying F-14s instead.

The General told JW he wanted ALL copies of the gun camera film, the TVSU/VCR tapes, and audio recordings on his desk by 0900 the next day.  He was obviously pissed when he arrived, but as a result of the humility and contrition displayed by Turk and D-hose, he was satisfied that his mission was accomplished. Of course, D-hose and Turk didn’t want to embarrass the F-15 community, and they never mentioned the incident again…UNTIL NOW! ……. A few months later at a VX-4 at JW’s , D-Hose sez “Hey Falcon, I know ya got a copy of that 16mm gun film,,,, how bout it?   JW bugs for a few and returns with film I have in my hand right now.

PS: The 8” x 10” single frame of the 16 mm gun film on my bulkhead in my ‘ war room’ shows a F-15 thru a F-14 HUD, radar lock,  @250ft, Vc zero, piper on the pilot’s helmet, gun selected, No X over the ‘G’ = master arm on = half detent on trigger depressed, (which activates gun camera and opens the gun gass purge doors) with… Zero rounds remaining……. Good Thing!!!

VR   D-Hose, HAARRR!
发表于 2009-11-11 21:04:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-11 21:19:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-11 21:30:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-11 21:43:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-11 21:45:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-11 22:09:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-11 22:11:56 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-11 22:12:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 F风 于 2009-11-11 22:09 发表

发表于 2009-11-11 22:21:07 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mutha 于 2009-11-11 22:12 发表


发表于 2009-11-11 22:29:15 | 显示全部楼层
12G很有追求啊.. ....海军飞机这样搞老化加快得多哦...
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-11 22:31:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Kimi1944 于 2009-11-11 22:29 发表
12G很有追求啊.. ....海军飞机这样搞老化加快得多哦...


"Hoser" provides: "At AIM/ACE, 'g' restrictions were not mentioned. "what ever it takes" was the unwritten rule. When the Turkey first hit the street, Mr. & Mrs. Grumman said it was pilot limited. The TACTS range recorded 12.2 g's symmetrical during a Guns 'D' break (mentioned way back [in the forum]). The high 'g' hurt Hill Billy's neck and he was was out of the hunt for a few days. We had the brand new Blk 90 Turkey x-rayed, inspected and gone over by a team of Grummanites...... not a lose rivet, zero skin wrinkles, perfect engine mounts, no hyd or fuel leaks; Just a broke RO. NAVAIR kept slapping new 'g' restrictions on the Turkey cause they figured them to last 100yrs. Hell, they would have lasted a hunnert and fifty years with a symmetrical 9.5 'g' guidance doctrine."
发表于 2009-11-11 22:33:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-11 22:33:56 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 iceviper 于 2009-11-11 22:11 发表

关了空调和环控来加800到1K的推力....对头打MIKE时关车来让对方的AIM-9没有Tone,让人家不能发射他能发射,对冲前飞的很快,到10海里时关车,然后在对头时重新启动,保证400节的 ...

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