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发表于 2012-1-19 19:03:48
本帖最后由 Ragnarok 于 2012-1-19 19:06 编辑
Einstein 发表于 2012-1-19 18:58
Gravity always acts downward on every object on earth. Gravity multiplied by the object's mass produces a force called weight. Although the force of an object's weight acts downward on every particle of the object, it is usually considered to act as a single force through its balance point, or center of gravity. If the object has its weight distributed equally throughout, its balance point is located at its geometric center. If the object has unequal weight distribution, its balance point or its center of gravity may not be at its geometric center. It is possible for the center of gravity to entirely outside the boundaries of the object, as does a boomerang.
The force that opposes the force of weight for an aircraft is lift. The lift force must be greater than the weight for an airplane to fly